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Zod (narration)

I was in the room with leader Karth, his second in command Noth, a man called Farath and some other security duty guy who I heard was being called Clay,

We discussed strategy and I didn't want to mention it but the Clay guy is a know-it-all he also thinks he is above everyone the way he even talks to the leader I just sat quietly and kept looking around,

"So why isn't Rik here I thought you wanted him to help? " Noth asked Karth, I turned and looked at Karth waiting for an answer too because I have been here two days and everyone talks ill of this Rik I wondered who he was at all,

"I do not fully trust him, and what's to say he could be working for the etocrites too he is a real backstabber, "Karth said simply, and Clay laughed,

"Wow I actually respect you for that Karth that was a good move, " he said laughing a bit and I saw Farath rolling his eyes,

"Clay why are you even here you are retired and we all have respect for you but if you keep talking to my brother that way I am going to forget you are a veteran, " Noth said seriously and Karth touched his shoulder I am assuming to calm him down, wow humans are so dramatic they are overly emotional and sensitive I was actually finding this whole thing amusing, and also the Clay guy is actually not security duty I assumed he was because well he is in this room isn't he

"I am your elder Karth are you going to let your brother talk to me like that I am chief advisor of this tribe I have experience and I am way older than you, " he said and looked at the guy Farath as if he wanted support,

"Look uncle we respect you but you also have to remember that leader Karth is the overall leader of this tribe so no matter what you age is you are to respect the leader it is just protocol, " Farath said crossing his arms over his chest,

The guy Clay looked around the small table amused that they would talk to him like that and Karth glared at him as if daring him to add on but he backed down, I wonder how he commands respect for a person his age he is too young to be ruling but they respect him and that is a good thing,

"So Zod any other thing you would like to add?" Karth looked at me seriously,

"No not really but I believe we should look out for an etocrite called Bale he is a Tenia fanatic and he would do anything to please her so I believe you should watch out, " I said and looked at them, and they nodded,

Clay got up and left immediately after Karth dismissed the meeting I guess he was hurt as he was not supported for his behavior toward the leader,

"If any person ever talked to our leader that way he would face execution without question, " I said as I stayed in the office with Karth, he turned and looked at me,

"Clay he is ___he has always been like that he thinks too high of himself as he was a good security duty which we all respect him for but he just keeps using that respect to his advantage, he was security duty during my father's rule he joined when he was just 24 and he fought during the attack by your queen," Karth said drinking from his glass,

"She is and will never be my queen, " I said seriously and he nodded in understanding,

"How will your people act when they realize you let an etocrite in your tower? " I asked him truthfully because I was wondering,

"They will not learn of this at all trust me it is our secret as people who were in this meeting, " he said and let myself out of the office leaving him to his duties

When I got out I saw Farath and he led me to my sleeping space, there was a bed and a cover I was not used to this back home though because their sleeping quarters looked better.... Sleeping has never really been an issue you sleep when you sleep

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