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Flashback (Zod)

I was going back to my chambers when I heard voices from Tenia's chambers luckily the door was not fully shut so I peeked in and saw a man talking to her,

"I believe you are the new head of security duty for the Karan tribe? " Tenia said while looking at her nails not really paying attention,

"Yes I was assigned not too long ago but I am not here because of that I am here because I believe we have a common enemy and that makes us friends, " the man said smiling fully,

"And who may that be? " Tenia asked still paying little to no attention to the man, I wonder how he even got in here, in her chambers for that matter,

"Karth, leader of the Hnerez tribe, " the man said smiling wickedly and this time he got her full attention, she instantly turned to him,

"And you want revenge for? " she asked and stood up in front of him,

"He was my best friend and he hurt me real bad I just want that in return," he smiled wickedly,

"Call me Tenia, " she offered her hand smiling wickedly too, he kissed her hand and returned the smile,

"Rik...... Call me Rik, " he said looking in her eyes



Caz (narration) 

I went to my room I felt like I was physically realising steam I was so pissed that damn Rik........ I just want to kill him!! I was still pacing around and I decided to lie down a bit I forced myself to take a nap but it didn't work so I just stared at the ceiling and I recalled all the bad stuff I have done in my past, I betrayed my own tribe by working for the Dargorth, I left my sister, I killed people to survive, I have bad things but I want to change for the better..... To change for Nen I know she probably hates me but I want to show her I can be her big brother again

I was pulled from my thoughts by the opening of my door, I sat up and saw Nen at the door looking pissed,

I sat up and got ready for a lecture of a lifetime but instead she came and sat close to me and laid her head on my shoulder,

We sat know silence for some time, and suddenly I heard a tiny laugh____wait is she giggling right now!

"I am sorry it is just that I liked it when you punched Rik it was just perfect I love you for that, " Nen laughed and I just ended up laughing too, we laughed and it felt good really,

"I warned him the first time he came here didn't I?" I asked and she nodded understanding,

"I know you did but can you try not to go punching people around for me dear brother, " she said looking at me,

"I am not promising anything dear sister if anyone wrongs you they will have to deal with me, " I said proud and she laughed then hugged me,

"Thanks Caz I appreciate that, " she said and we highfived ____wow it is like the old times,

"I am really happy you are here brother, " she said and laid her head back on my shoulder, I smiled proud


Nen and I went down to have dinner and when we arrived everyone looked at us and Nen went and sat next to Karth and I sat in my usual place near Sel and I saw him grinning, I raised an eyebrow at him,

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