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Anensia clad in security duty attire•

Nen (narration)
"Noth have you seen Karth I need to talk to him, " I asked Noth who was working on new security duty attire with Tora, she is our technical support as she designs and also improves all our security duty weapons and attires.

"I last saw him on the balcony he was there wasting time and by the way how was that meeting with Clay I hope you discussed everything with him, you know he only wants to hear stuff from you, " he said the last part winking

"Hey Tora, I'll go see him now and no Noth Clay doesn't want to hear stuff from me, maybe he finds me simple that's all, " I told him hitting him in the back of his head and Tora looked at me and smiled while waving

I got in the elevator to the fifth level and went through the large corridors and entered his chamber, as usual it was well organised and neat well there are helpers who do all this work,
"Karth!" I called out and he came from behind the curtains covering the door leading to the balcony,
"Nen how was the meeting?" Karth asked getting his acbook checking the status of the city he always does it because as the leader he has to be vigilant of what is happening around our tribe borders

"It went well actually and Clay sent his greetings," I said confirming everything.
"I don't want you alone with him anymore for any other meetings another person will go but not you!" he said the last part with a hard look and I just raised my brow

"What do you mean by alone with him huh?" I asked confused

"I have seen the way he looks at you and I don't like it," he said not even looking at me busy on his acbook checking whatever he was checking

"Look Karth I am part of security duty and if I am sent to a meeting I cannot refuse okay you cannot control whatever I do," I told him strictly

"Of course I can Anensia before your security duty I am the leader of this tribe and you are mine so whatever I say goes, you understand!" he said throwing his acbook on the huge bed

I just walked out I hate when he always has to remind me that I am below him he always pulls the leader title and it pisses me off,

"Don't you dare walk out on me Nen I am talking to you!" he talked loudly, I just continued walking and banged his chamber door behind me

As I was moving in the large corridors I bumped into Garon, "ooh I am so sorry Garon I am just thinking hard I didn't see you I am sorry," he just looked at me and smiled

"It is alright Nen actually I am the one who wasn't looking but anyway I have to go I am going to show something to the leader so see you when I see you," he said smiling again

I just continued , I know where I have to go to clear my head, everytime I get into fights with Karth that's where I go and try to forget about everything

When I walked out I greeted people on my way and people gave me enough respect as Karth's partner and security duty so wherever I would go people would smile at me some would gift me fruits. Our tribe wasn't a large one but we still had to protect ourselves as we had enemies and we also were in pssession of a powerful metal that our neighbouirng tribes also wanted a piece of so that is how we came up with security duty. Members of security duty lived in the Hnerez tower with our leader and his second in command who is his brother Noth

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