14- yay, trip? (part 4): sorry for? Sneaky Seungcheol & now he knows...

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Yeri was starting to feel bad about this. 
It's not like she knew that Hyuk was going to suddenly appear out of nowhere, but still. Just by looking at Wonwoo's face as the two talked was making her grimace with guilt.

Hyuk had pretty much come running once he saw (Y/N). He said 'hi' to Wonwoo, since they apparently knew each other, and quickly introduced himself to her before turning to (Y/N) again. The two had been talking excitedly about something that Yeri couldn't even begin to understand, but even so, her attention was all on Wonwoo's not so happy face. 

Yeri never really had any sort of conversation with Wonwoo. Out of all of (Y/N)'s, he was the one who confused her the most. For Yeri, he was a mix of stoicism and puppy like confusion, something she never thought possible in a person. 
But there he stood looking serious and yet sad as he watched (Y/N) and Hyuk chatting.

Meanwhile, Wonwoo was just focused on finding any sign that proved his theory. Reckon his only knowledge about love and dating came from k-dramas that he watches with Mingyu and the stories he writes. But still, it should be better than nothing. 
Yet, apart from the fact that (Y/N) looked very happy while talking to Hyuk, nothing really stood out.
Mingyu had said that everybody knew who (Y/N) was in love with. That it was so obvious that even his own editors and people who had met (Y/N) only once knew.

So why the heck Wonwoo couldn't find out?
They were friends. At least he thought they were. 
She trusted him, right? He never really gave her a reason not. 
So why was he the only one in the dark about this?

As these thoughts kept floating around his head, Wonwoo failed to notice that (Y/N) and Hyuk had stopped talking and that the girl who was confusing the hell out of him was now calling him. It wasn't until Hyuk started snapping his fingers in front of Wonwoo that he finally took notice of them. 

"You're okay there, Wonwoo? You looked pretty out of it?" (Y/N) asked, looking weirdly at him. Wonwoo tended to space out from time to time, but not like this.

"I'm fine...just thinking about... you know...Mingyu?"

"Not going to comment, but we're glad you're back with us." Hyuk chuckled before proceeding, " Did you hear what I asked you?"

"No? What is it?"

"Well, a couple of us were organizing a sort of 'Overwatch tournament' thingy. It kind of escalated from just a small group to almost everyone on this trip, and I was wondering if you wanted to join? (Y/N) doesn't want to, 'cause she's too scared to lose against m-"

"I would destroy you in front of all your friends. It would such a blow on your dignity that your grandkids' grandkids would still feel it." (Y/N) interrupted Hyuk, looking at him playfully, " I just don't want to play in front of so many people..."

"And I don't judge you for that. But you still have to go there, at least to support me! Anyway, Wonwoo, do you want to play? It will be in duos, so you can pick whoever you want to team up with."

Wonwoo thought about this.
Usually, he would be all up for it, as he was way too competitive for his own good. He had played with some people from school, so he was pretty confident that he could defeat most of them. Especially if he played with either (Y/N), Jihoon or Seungcheol, as they were all as competitive as him. But since she didn't want to play, that only left the other two. They were still really good players to have on his side.
But wouldn't this tournament distract him from his mission to find out who (Y/N) is in love with?
On the other hand, he could see how she behaves next to Hyuk in a different setting.
And if Hyuk wasn't the one that she was in love with, then there were a whole lot of other options to pick from and observe. 
He could defeat multiple people at Overwatch and find out (Y/N)'s secret at the same time.

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