chapter 5

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  'So I will see you in the evening, okay? Reach on time. Love ya, Bye', said Leila, cheerfully into her handset.

      Tiana was smiling at her best friend. Leila was on the phone ( so what's new? Her cell phone was practically stuck to her ear. It was like her life line; she can't survive without it ) calling all their friends to her house so that they could pack together. Their holidays were coming to an end and they had to finish their packing by the following afternoon.

      Tiana hardly took any time in packing but her friends... Oh! Her friends could go on for days together. Packing together before leaving for Hill View High has been their ritual for the past four years. This year , they would be in class ten.

       Leila got up from her bed and walked across the room towards her dressing table where she started examining her reflection, but when she caught a glimpse of Tiana in the mirror, she turned around.

     'Why are you smiling?' asked Leila.

     'Nothing, it's just that I find it silly that they have to carry all their stuff to your house to pack when they can easily do it at their own place', said Tiana.

     'If you have not understood till now, you never will', sighed Leila.

       Tiana and Leila had hit it off from the very beginning. Even though they are completely different, both of them got along famously and could always count on each other. Leila was considered to be one of the hottest girls in school. Her lean body, whitish complexion, shoulder length straight black hair ( always straight! ) with bangs and beautiful black eyes added to her charm. Leila was loud and outgoing. Tiana was fair and pretty with a curvy figure. Tiana had an oval face with brown eyes and waist length hair. Leila had a long list of ex-boyfriends. On the other hand, Tiana had a long list of boys wanting to go out with her. But she refused to date. She felt that she was in no rush. She decided that she would date only when she genuinely liked someone.

      She had seen her friends date just for the heck of it or because having a boyfriend was supposed to be very cool and socially necessary. Her friends kept on fighting with their boyfriends over the dumbest reason ever. At the same time, they kept asking Tiana irritating questions like, 'Tiana, why didn't he ring me up this afternoon?', 'Will he like this dress?', 'What should I gift him?', 'Why did he fight with me?', 'I am getting hiccoughs, do you think he is missing me?', etc

     Hell! How was she supossed to know what they liked when she didn't even know what she liked!

     But she had started working on that problem. She had not confided about this to any of her friends. But now she knew them well enough to know that they were not good at accepting new ideas. They would never understand exactly what it was that she was she trying to find. To be honest, at that time, even she didn't know how to go about it. Where to start? To combat her problem head on, she first made a rough mental list of things she was confused about. Well, at least it was a start.....

1. My favourite movie

2. My favourite kind of food

3. My most embarrassing moment

4. My thoughts about my friends

5. My favourite actor

6. My favourite colour

7. My favourite quote

8. My greatest wish

9. And am I happy with my life?

She was planning on finding honest answers. HONEST

'Hey, did I tell you my mom and dad are going to Paris after my holidays get over? I wish I could miss school and go with them', moaned Leila, interrupting Tiana's interior monologue.

     Leila's dad was a well known photographer. He travelled all around the world. One could never get bored when her father was around. He always had the most fascinating stories from every corner of the world. Even Tiana felt a little jealous of him this time. She had always wanted to go to Paris. This was one place that she was dying to visit since the first time she had seen the lit-up Eiffel tower in a photograph.

      'Never mind Leila. Maybe you will be luckier some other time.'

      ' Wow, what a consolation!' muttered Leila.

      It occurred to Tiana that for once she had an honest answer. She was positive that Paris was the only city she so wished to see. This was an original thought. She was still very happy about this when the rest of the friends came to Leila's house to start the packing rituals.


'What time are the guys coming to pick us up?' asked Bella.

      'I don't know, Tiana spoke to them', added Lilly.

     Bella looked at Tiana. Tiana was fuming. For the past one hour Bella, Celia, Savera, Lilly, Aliya and Leila had been talking about nothing but their boyfriends ( that is, except for Lilly, who did not have a boyfriend but was talking about boys in general ). The bottom lime was that their insane conversation dragged on and on and on about the same old topic - boys.

      Since the time they had started dating, all they cared about were their boyfriends. But that was not what irritated her the most. What was making her angrier by the minute was what she had just discovered. While taking about their boyfriends, they had let slip something they had been hiding from Tiana.

     It was the fact that the boys had a new name for Tiana. These days they were referring to her as Ice Princess. This re-christening was supposedly because they thought that she had no feelings as she kept refusing to go out with any guy. As if!!!

     The fact that the boys called her this was not what hurt her. They came up with a new nickname for anybody and everybody every month. What really hurt Tiana was that her friends knew about this new nickname and still had not breathed a word about it to her. They had been taking their boyfriend's side! How atrocious! Now for the past half-an-hour, she had been sitting quietly on Leila's bean bag in the corner of the room, thinking about this. She had finished her packing way before the rest. The rest were not even halfway through.

      Bella was still looking at her. Did Bella seriously expect Tiana to answer a question referring to boys? Those scumbags? It was no wonder that so many girls had just started going out, not because they wanted to, but because idiotic people started to make fun of them if they did not do so. This is the most ridiculous part of a teenager's life - sometimes you just have to do things because the others do it and it is considered to be ' oh so cool'. And the boys could not bear the thought of any girl ignoring them for long. Tiana had done so, and that is why they had given her a cruel nickname to settle scores. The cheek that ego-maniacs had!

     She knew that even if the entire world made fun of her she would not do something she didn't believe in. She just wished that the other girls would also get the courage to be like her and not tumble under the so called 'peer pressure'. How dare someone else manipulate her decisions! Tiana rolled here eyes heavenwards in exasperation.

       By the time her eyes reached earth level, she suddenly realised that she hadn't entirely lost her individuality. Her lips slowly twitched into a smile as she thought about this. She still was very close to her break thoughts; it just needed some working on. And if her real thoughts were like the way she felt now, then discovering the rest of them was surely going to be a lot of fun.


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