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My eyelids open with a flutter. The smell of vanilla hit my nose. I looked around to see I was on the couch, I seemed to be cuddled with a cute blonde who was snoring soundly.


I felt the heat rise to my face as I pushed him away with a squeak. his Baby blue eyes snapped open, he let out a girlish noise and then fell on the floor. "IM AWAKE IM AWAKE!!" he screeched. He looked up at me and we made eye contact for a whole 3 minutes before we burst out laughing.

"T-THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE PFFFT!!!" I howled out as we laughed even harder.

After a while I rubbed the tears out of my eyes and we both stopped. I looked at him again taking in his appearance. He had short blonde hair, It was pure golden and it matched his beautiful pale face- did I just say beautiful!? I BARELY KNOW THIS GUY!! I shook my head a small blush rising to my cheeks.

"So, I don't think we've properly met" He spoke happily. he seemed like a good kid.

"I'm Y/N, Nice to meet you" I stuck my hand out giving a close eyed smile.

"Well hiya Y/n! I'm Butters!" He shook my hand returning my smile.

As soon as we pulled our hands away I heard foot steps stumbling down the staircase. I turned towards the stairs along with Butters, As My cousin Stan walked down, Rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Stan" I smiled. Stan walked over and sat on the couch. "Morning Y/n, How'd you sleep?" I was about to say good till I remembered how I woke up this morning. Cuddled into the cute blonde- STOP SAYING CUTE! "I slept okay..." I mumbled my face heating up for the like 4th time.

I turned towards Butters who gave me a small smile. "I'm uh... sorry for falling asleep on you last night..." I said looking down. hearing those words I noticed how wrong that sounded and my face turned redder. "I-I MEAN!! uh.. O-on your s-shoulder...." Butters looked down rubbing his knuckles together. "Its alright, You smelt nice". After that my face lit up like the fourth. "T-Thanks....." I stuttered.

Why was I blushing? It Isn't like I like him or anything... Do I? NO! OF COURSE NOT!!! We just met!!! he probably has a Girlfriend anyways... I mean who wouldn't date such a Cute innocent boy, Who is so nice and beautiful and- STOP!!!!!! I shook my head and snapped out of my trance. I heard Stan laughing slightly as I excused myself from the room and rushed upstairs. As I reached the top my Mom emerged from the bathroom. She looked at me and smiled her motherly smile. "Hey sweetheart, I talked to the school here and they said you can start when everyone goes back."

As much as I wanted to groan and curse my head off about how much school SUCKS, I didn't. Instead I smiled and nodded. Thanking my mother for caring about my education, And my future. Stepping into the bathroom, I locked the door and turned towards the mirror. Looking In it surprisingly my hair looked pretty much straight and sighed with relief that the Cute blonde downstairs didn't have to see my messy hair- wait... I CALLED HIM CUTE AGAIN!!!!!! STOP!!! YOU JUST MET!!! I mean he's cute... but I.. UGH!

I decided to just brush my hair and walked out. My mother was outside the bathroom door with clothes In her hand. She passed it to me and told me to get dressed. We're going out later. I went in the bath room again and locked the door. quickly undressing and putting my new clothes on. It was a cropped hoodie (If you play Hotel Hideaway you may have a better idea on what I'm talking about) And some light blue jeans. After struggling to do my jeans up I walked back out of the bathroom where my mother took my clothes, Kissed my forehead and told me that my Phone was in the room down the hall. I went down the hallway and walked into the guest bedroom.. at least I think it was.

There was a boy lying in the bed. Knowing who it was since I was introduced yesterday. It was Kenny, The boy In the Orange Parka. I walked over to the dresser and got my Phone. and walked out of the room again to let the boy sleep peacefully. I went downstairs to see Kyle had woken up and was sitting next to Stan on the couch. I walked over plopping myself by my cousin and looked at the two of them. "Where's Butters?" I questioned. Just as I said that I heard a "IM IN HEAR!" Butters emerged from the kitchen with a glass of water and gave me a sweet smile.

I smiled back and turned to them again. "Where's fat ass? I saw Kenny already."

Kyle snickered at the nickname of the fat boy and answered, "He left this morning". I nodded and groaned tiredly. "So...We're watching a really good show right now, This is my new favourite" I Said with a sarcastic tone, gesturing to the TV that had a blank screen on it. Stan let out a chuckle as he picked the remote up and turned on Terrance and Phillip. Kyle and Stan watched the TV intensely, Letting out a laugh every now and again. Butters approached us and sat on the floor in front of the couch. His hair looked super fluffy... I reached my hand out to touch it but quickly retreated it back to my side, getting a weird look from Stan. I just gave him a shrug as the show ended.

_______Time Skip to after dinner__________

Leaving the restaurant I climbed into my moms car and we drove off. I sighed looking out the window patting my stomach. "My stomach hurts" I whined. "That's what you get for eating too much cake" My mother shook her head. We pulled into the driveway, I giggled a little climbing out of the car, But before I shut the door I yelled a, "I think it was the F/F" I skipped off and entered the house. When I got in I stumbled over and flopped onto the couch, Closing my eyes and sighing. Tmr we have school.... Tmr we go through hell................... And off to sleep I went

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