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ESTELLA DOESN'T KNOW. That's it, that's all - Estella doesn't know anything. She'd grown up with dreams of an earth as blue as the oceans she imagined, as green as her mother's eyes. When she was locked up in the skybox that was all she thought of, of running through clearing with the wind in her hair and the grass tickling her fingertips. It was all she ever wanted, she decided it was what she'd imagine when they decided to float her. She had herself convinced she could almost feel the grass beneath her fingers on the days when she was sprawled in her cell.

Now, she had all of that at her fingertips and all she wanted was to go home. She wanted to curl up in her others arms and cry, she wanted to run down the halls of the ark with Zeke by her side happy and laughing.

She always wanted something she could never have.

Her fingers brush against the cold band around her wrist as she numbly followed behind he group. She could see Bellamy's eyes flicker back at her more than once but everytime she met them his would dart forward and he'd shift the dead panther slung over his shoulder.

Clarke walked along silently beside Stella, eyes focused on Jaspers still limp body. Stella nudges her softly, "He'll be alright Clarke."

"You don't know that." Clarke says, voice barely over a whisper. Her eyes are glassy when she looks at Stella, "You can't know that."

"Yes, I can." Stella hand finds Clarke just as shaky one and grasps it tightly, "Because I know you can help him. You're a genius, Clark, if anyone can save him - it's you."

Clarke clings to Stella's hand just as tightly, "Are you okay?"

Stella laughs through a tight throat, "I just don't know Clarke, this is all just alot. I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Other than Bellamy, I don't think any of us know what we're doing." Clarke says and squeezes Stella's hand softly. "Let's get back to camp."

Clarks hand slips from Stella's half an hour later as they enter the edge of the camp, following after Finn and Wells when they slip inside with Jasper. She stops to check on Stella briefly as Murphy and Bellamy drop the parachute covered panther on the ground in front of the camp.

Octavia darts to Bellamys side, who wraps his sister in a hug and yells out at the forming crowd. "Who's hungry?"

The crowd cheers loudly and Octavia smiles over at Stella, reaching a hand out to squeeze her softly. Stella smiles tiredly and squeezes her back.

"Looking rough, fighter." Zeke grins and wraps his arms around Stella in a hug as she leans into him. He looks over her and brushes her hair from her face, "You look exhausted?"

Stella hums, "Just tired." She glances over at the Blake siblings as the crowd moves away and smiles when Bellamy Blake's eyes are already on her. His eyes trail to Zeke's arms before he turns away abruptly.

INTERSTELLAR → bellamy blakeWhere stories live. Discover now