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The classroom is full of random chatter. Mrs. Lee was late and it was up to the students to study on their own.

The door finally opens, the students quiet down a bit expecting to see their well-groomed, beautiful, as well as obvious teacher. Instead, a far older man steps into the class.

  "Ahem ..." The man begins, bringing the class to complete attention.

"Your teacher, Lee- san is absent. For the time being ... I expect you all to study silently by yourselves." Just like that, the man leaves. Stepping out of the class and leaving everyone confused. It was fairly rare for the woman to be late, or even absent from school, but everyone has their own life so they decide not to question it.

"Disgusting." A powerful voice rings throughout the class. The annoying squeal of a chair stings everyone's ears as the school president stands up from his seat. "How dare she ... After what I said to her yesterday as well ..." He whispers under his breath for a moment. "Ahem!!" 

Urd walks up to the front desk, holding the attention of the class.

"In case most of you haven't noticed, today was the day we were supposedly supposed to discuss the school's assignment with peers." While erasing everything off the board, Urd speaks over the groaning he received from the class. It was as if asking the students to test who could be louder in this case, "Of course, your (dimwitted) teacher missed this day. As your student body president, I shall explain this to you." He then says calmly, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

Urd writes something down on the board.

"World Wide Poem Assignment!"

"This is a program by which thousands of schools enter to share writing assignments. This is no normal writing assignment. China, America, Sweden. I a lot of big-league schools from some of there's areas will be participating. Usually, poems are the ones that win. On some occasions, however, simple writing ends up winning as well. As one of the uppermost schools in Japan ... I believe one of us should win this year. Only 10 people out of thousands can win, but there is an exception ... The 100th, which means THIS YEAR'S, student to win will have been chosen out of the thousands of students as well. Their poem will receive double the prize."

People jabber amongst themselves at the idea. "What are the prizes?" One student says among the others. People nod quickly, turning to Urd for an answer.

"Heh ... Prizes??" Urd glares at the students. It was no surprise.

"Of course that's all you people care about. Fine ..." Urd taps his foot, thinking about what the prizes were again. People can be won over by something amazing. Of course, the prize is indeed amazing ... but when that's all they care about ... You generally end up with the loss.

"The prizes are ..."

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Words: 497

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