Chapter 5 I'm Here For You!

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Damon's pov

"Damon we need to do something about the Russians.They're planning to attack us!" Carter repeated this line for the tenth time.

"Carter I know! Will you stop repeating this? We'll figure out something but don't repeat that -"

I stopped when I hear someone shouting. We looked at each other and run out of the room Carter pulls out his gun from the back of his pants and we saw Oreo and Bruno our dogs, their room door open. We saw Mason and Natalie and she was on the floor playing with the dogs. Carter hid his gun.

"Mason I would love to-" she couldn't even complete and was interrupted by my words.

"What fuck is going on ?!" I questioned as I was angry.

"Bro relax Natalie just met Oreo and Bruno and she loves dogs!!" Mason explained.

"Mason I'll take your leave and thanks for this meeting with these lil ones." She said and left the room.

As soon as she was going out of the room I held her arm and pulled her back.

"You're not going out without my fucking permission!" I yelled at her.

"Do you really think I need your permission for doing something? And do not yell at me!" She replied with anger.

"I said no and dare not even think of keeping a step out of the house or else-" she cut me off.

"Or else what?! I will do whatever I want to.. And you can't stop me!"
I got angry and pinned her to the wall by holding one hand of her and I covered her neck with the other to choke her.

I saw her eyes getting watery.

"Damon leave her! Are you crazy she'll die?!" Carter shouted at me and tried to pull me away.

"No! She has to die!"

"Damon leave her now! You cannot use your powers on her!! She's innocent!" Mason said and I realised that she's innocent and my anger got down.
I pushed myself away from her and started to yell at her

I saw that she was blinking her eyes again and again and she lost her balance, I stretched my hands and held her in my arms.

"What's happening to her?" Mason questioned.

"You're asking as if I've known her for years." I replied.

"I guess she has panic attacks. Damon take her to the bed now. She needs rest." Carter said.

I took her in my arms and walked to my room which was one room left to the room of the dogs.

I laid her on my bed. And covered her with blankets. Mason called the doctor and he was coming in 20 minutes.

For the first time a girl is in my bed.. And that too my so called wife..

The doorbell rang. Carter went to check and it was our family doc Cole. He came into the living room.

"Hey young man!"

"Hi doc!"

"What happened to. "

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