Not Update But a Good News!

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What's up  Readers????  Sorry. Not an update. But just wanted to tell you all.

On 8 November 2018, my 16th B-Day, the very first time when I published the first chapter of The Best Birthday Gift.

Yes people it's the first anniversary of TBBG❤ and Ofc I turned 17!! Yay!

Can't believe we've completed one year of slow updates😂😂.

I'm very busy with school and TBH I don't get much time to write. But I'll to publish another chapter super super asap.

I hope you guys are loving my content and if you find anything that is weird or hurting your sentiments or anything else. Text me on wattpad or instagram or snapchat or mail me your queries. My social media accounts are mentioned in my Bio. You can check there and I'll put them up here too.

Wattpad - @organizedmess8

Instagram - @_.organized.mess._

Snapchat- @naina_gupta811

Mail ID-

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Ñaînä 💕💕

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