Chapter 6 You're Hurting Me!

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Happy Valentine's Day!  What?  Singles can also celebrate it! Guys you need to see the rankings of TBBG!!  It's soo good...  I'm so happy..  Thanks to y'all!! Keep reading it!
Natalie's pov
It's been 10 days since I got married. Kay or mom have not even contacted me once. After that day when I had panic attack, Damon tried to ask a few times, but I would ignore his question. And his security system is so strong that I can't even go out. And most important, my back!! It sucks.  Of course I heard moaning from Damon's office. And that's Violet only.

Jass and Mason are doing good. They went on 2 dates in a week. Carter and Ari are together. They're so in love. I'm happy for them.

What to do? I've nothing to do! Fault in our stars?!? Cool I'll read it for another "n" number of times.

It's currently 7 in the evening. I went to my closet where I made a drawer for novels and kindle, I took out Fault In Our Stars. My all time favorite.
Hey baby I missed you!!

I finished the book at 8.

Okay! There's nothing I can do! I'm not hungry not sleepy don't wanna read. A walk around the house might be fine.

I was wearing my pyjama shorts and a yellow top with black butterflies on it which covered my shorts. I walk downstairs and saw Oreo at the end of the stairs.

"Hey boy! How are you?" I pat him
He wags his tail and runs away.

I walked to the kitchen for some cold water. I shouldn't be drinking cold water that too in winters. My throat is gonna choke. I drank water and saw Sophie washing the dishes.

"Hey Sophie."

"Hello Mrs. Queen."

"Please don't call me that!"

"Yes Natalie."

"So how are you?"
I waited for her to reply but she didn't when I looked into her eyes. I saw tears. I put my hand on her shoulder. And she pushed herself away. I saw her white shirt getting red with blood.
"Oh my god Soph! You're bleeding! I'll get something."
I turned around towards the stove where the refrigerator was, took out the ice pack and kept it over her shoulder.

I smelled  something burning I looked towards the stove and the flames came towards me.
"Ahh!!" I screamed.

"Natalie get away!" Sophie shouted as she pushed me away.

She went to grab a jug and pour water but the flames rose high and she slipped. The pan was about to fall on her leg but I pushed her away and the flames caught my hand.
The fire alarm went off and it rained.

"Sit there Natalie." Sophie made me sit I had tears of pain that were mixing with the fire alarm water.

I saw Damon, Violet and five men walking behind them.

"What the fuck is happening here?? Damon shouted.

"Sir Natalie's hand burnt due to -" Damon cut off Sophie

"I don't care what happened to her hand. Just tell me who did this?!"

I knew Damon was angry and Sophie would lost her job so I decided to say a lie.
"I was. I was making something for myself and-"

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