The Accidental Revelation

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Jonah tapped his foot nervously in the waiting room. Matias and Andi comforted Jonah the best way they could, but there was no relaxing him. They sat mostly silent before Bex came into the room.

"How's Dad doing?" Andi said launching up from her chair.

"He's fine... his fever went down. It would go down even more if the he would sleep..."

"How high was his fever?" Jonah asked.

"Over 104... sinus infections and phenomena don't exactly mix..." Bex said.

"Can we go see him?"

"I'm afraid not... doctor said no visitors until tomorrow. Why... I don't know."

"But... I'll chill out here for a little bit, let's see what's on the Tv." Bex said as she grabbed the remote. The door to the waiting room popped open again.

"Hey Bex. Is Bowie alright?" The person said. Bex looked up and froze.

"Hey Gabriel..."

Tj proudly displayed his second place medal he won on the dressier in the guest room he stayed in some nights. He proudly smiled at the medal with his arm around Cyrus.

"Do you get a medal every race?" Zach asked from the bed.

"No, we get them some times. Depending on who sponsored the meet."

"Makes sense." Zach said. "Did you know Ben was going to be there?"

"Yes. His sister is one the team." Tj said. Zach raised an eyebrow.

"And you didn't bother to tell me!"

"You wouldn't come if I told you besides your going to have to progress some how."

"Your right." Zach said. "Of course your right."

"Woah Tj, Bowie's in the hospital." Cyrus said looking down at his phone.

"When did that happen? He was just fine 3 hours ago."

"Andi said his fever spiked... I told them it wasn't a good idea."

"Should we go?" Tj asked.

"No... I think they should have some time as a family." Cyrus said. Tj nodded his head.

"Alright, in the mean time. Zach, wanna go mini golfing?"

"And be a third wheel? No." Zach said.

"Kip and his brother are going, I told you that at the end of the game." Tj said.

"You did."

"You were too busy talking."

"Alright... I'll go, just let me talk to my dad first."

"Gabriel! My man! How have you been." Bowie slurred. Bex hit him head on the head in frustration.

"When did you call him?" Bex whispered.

"When you were out talking I had to..."

"Do you realize who else is in the room?"

"No" Bowie said. Bex let out a deep breath.

"Next time you get a head ache your getting Tylenol." Bex said. Gabriel walked over to Andi whom was drawing.

"That looks amazing! How long were you working?" He asked. Andi smiled.

"About 2 hours, it's an art style my friend Walker perfected and taught me."

What A School Year (A continuation of 'What A  Summer')Where stories live. Discover now