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"Filthy fox-dung!"



Mapleshade flattened her ears to her head; the harsh insults from her Clanmates feeling like bee stings to her heart. How could they say such cruel things to her? And her kits...? She was still their Clanmate! Just because she found love with a cat in RiverClan didn't mean she wasn't one of them!

Though, she shared none of these thoughts out loud and just shot angry, betrayed glares at the cats around her... Even her old mentor, Bloomheart, was staring at her like she was a rouge...

She avoided his gaze and stood strong and protective over her three kits. They were huddled behind her tail; and Mapleshade could see the confusion, panic, and fear in their little, bright eyes as they looked at her and their outraged Clanmates.

After a few moments, the name calling ceased and the cats fell silent; though she could still hear faint growls. She was not at all to see those growls came from Frecklewish and Beetail.

Mapleshade then directed her attention to Highrock, seeing Oakstar standing tall there. His dark, yellow eyes locked on Mapleshade and her kits; she was surprised to see no anger in them like the rest of the Clan... Yet...

"Mapleshade... Is what Ravenwing has told us true...?" He asked, his voice low. Mapleshade felt her heart sink to her paws, but she also felt a steady rage.

She gathered up some courage and forced down her anger and stared into Oakstar's eyes. Raising her chin she stated bitterly, "It is! Their father is Appledusk of RiverClan-"

She was cut short from a yowl of outrage from Frecklewish: the cat she thought would be there for her kits. But in the end; she was just the same as all the cats: staring at her with pure hatred.

"The cat who MURDERED Birchface! He-" Frecklewish snarled; her lip curled, looking like she was about to jump at Mapleshade. But she was stopped by an angry, stern glare from Oakstar.

After a moment, Oakstar spoke again with a sad tone.

Mapleshade saw his head droop a little; his ears flattened to his dark head.

"Birchface was my son... He had a kind heart and he had so much left to teach us... He would want us to accept this..." Oakstar rasped. Some cats began to bristle, about to protest; but Mapleshade felt nothing but warm relief sweep over her... Until Oakstar continued.

"Hold your tongues! I am saying we will accept this... We will take care of these kits... Would you all rather have them as RiverClan warriors?" Oakstar barked; anger now in his eyes as he stared at his Clanmates.

And surprisingly, nobody objected. Not yet at least. But by the outraged look in Frecklewish's amber eyes; Mapleshade could tell she was close to exploding.

Oakstar closed his eyes; sighing deeply; then looked directly into Mapleshade's eyes. She felt her heart beat against her chest as she looked into those heated, yellow eyes.

"Mapleshade... There can be no forgiveness for you... What I offer is for you to live, but to never come back to ThunderClan again..." Oakstar murmured. Mapleshade gave him a wide-eyed look, feeling her paws begin to shake.

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