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Skyria POV

Shouta gets up, "Dammit, that hurt Ria." He says. "Don't care. I say, the children were radiating an aura of 'Damn, that was mean.'

-Time Skip-

I climb on the wall, "It was Shota's idea." I say. Toshinori looks up, "Skyria." He says.

-Time Skip & Haru's POV-

I got put with a light blue haired girl, we're team K.

Shizen POV

I was put on a team with Jirou, and a boy with blond hair, with a black streak. He sorta looked cute.

Aisuru POV

Team D will be villains, ay? It could be time for me to finally show off my lighting side, I don't want to show my water side.

-Time Skip-

I shoot a lighting bolt down in front of Deku, he looks over at me. "Ai-san?" He asks, "Sorry about this Deku." I say, and zap behind him. I kick him in the center of his back, he freezes. I wrap my legs around his neck, I do a handstand, and throw him into the wall. I stand back up, I don't show either of my quirks that often.

I use my lighting one more than my water one, I have certin things I don't want to remember with that. Only Deku and Ryuu have seen both sides.

-Time Skip & Ryuu's POV-

"Well he deserved that." I say, everyone looks at me. "What?" I ask, "Why did you say that?" Pink girl asks. "I've known Midoriya and Bakugou since we were kids." I say, everyone went ohh.

-Time Skip-

"No, he just thinks he's above everyone else, even All Might. He's an annoying, egotistical, dumb-ass idiot." I say, I look at my hand.


I look at Katsuki, you left me alone, you think your greater than everyone. Well, I'll surpass both of you, I'll show you two my true strength.

-Flashback end

I clench it into a fist, and look up at the screen. I still want to surpass both of you. 

-Time Skip & Aisuru's POV-

"Tho, Aisuru seems the most a keen with the situation." Momo says, "And why's that?" All-Might asks. "The way she handled Midoriya, like an experienced combatant. Isn't that right, Aisuru?" She says, I materialize in front of her. "If you ever find out my other quirk, I will personally make you suffer lots." I say, dangerously.

Shoto POV

It makes me want to know what her other quirk is, if I'm correct, she's a dual quirk user like I am. One half is lighting, and the other half is a complete mystery. She probably did things she doesn't want to remember with her other side, like me.

-Time Skip & Ryuu's POV-

I look at Bakugou, "Are you crying?" I ask. They both jump, "Ryuu-chan? When did you get here?" Izuku asks. "I've been here the whole time, and..." I look at both of them "I'm gonna surpass both of you!"

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