30- Battle Of Fate

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Aisuru POV

Light and Taki leave, Todoroki catches my hand. I look up at him, "Thanks." I say, and black flip down.

-Time Skip-

I punch All For One in the face, it sends him flying. I stand in front of All Might, "Aisuru.." I can hear him say. I go full power, this might kill me, but I'll do anything to defeat him. He looks at me, "Ah, Aisuru. It's been five long years since I've seen you." He says.

"I don't give a fuck about you." I say, "Aww, didn't you miss your dear old man." He taunts. "Like hell I did, you abused me till I ran away at 10." I say.

-Time Skip & Todoroki's POV-

A lighting bolt strikes him, I know that attack. The camera focus on Aisuru, her eyes were glowing along with her dual hair, her hair was also floating. She slowly stands up, lighting and water were formed into two people behind her. She sticks both of her hands out in front of her, "All-Might! Get any others, and get the fuck out of here!" She shouts.

Lighting and Water start to come create balls of light in front of her hands, "She had a list of people she wanted to kill, and you were in red underline." The lighting one says. She combines the balls, All-Might gets the people out of the way. "HEAVENLY RAGE!" She yells, and sends a blast of white light at him.

The camera gets blinded, when we can see the battle field again. The guys mask falls to the ground, she defeated him. "Finally...I can...go peacefully." She says, before falling on the ground. AISURU!!

Ryuu POV

Shit, Aisuru

-Time Skip-

I head into All Might's room, "Ah, young Ryuu." He says. "I thought I might as well you, Aisuru knew All For One was coming for her." I say, "So, it's true that All For One is her father." He says. "Yeah, sadly." I say

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