Crap Cookies and Creepy Compliments

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Dead. I was definitely dead.

I felt the stab pierce my back, the warmth of my blood seeping through my shirt. I could hear the cries from Piper as I closed my eyes, black dots that I was used to from knocking out unconscious every other minute clouding my day vision.

But I knew this was the real thing. It was finally over for me. I wouldn't be lying on a bed, surrounded by two of the people I loved most; Piper and Leo.

I mumbled a sorry to Piper before my eyes closed for the last time, although I doubt she noticed.

Maybe that's what hurt me the most.

That I couldn't cheat death once more. I could no longer do the little things nor achieve the big. Small things like finally beating Reyna in javelin, catching up with my sister, restoring my friendships in Camp Jupiter once again.

Big things, like living in New Rome with a wife, kids, understanding the true meaning of peace, tranquillity, absolute happiness or the feeling of knowing I'd served my purpose.

Maybe even  being able to call Piper my wife.

Some say your life flashes before your eyes a millisecond before you die. Others say you see a bright light, and end up on the bottom of stairs made up of clouds, leading up to Everlasting happiness with Him.

A bright light was what I saw when I woke up. But, instead of a brilliant God standing before me, a teenage girl was staring at me intensively.

Not what I imagined Elysium to be like. If I was good enough to be there, anyway.

"You sleep like an 80 year old with a bad back." She told me. Her voice was pretty deep and quick paced.

"Well, I was stabbed there." I helpfully pointed out, sitting up.

I did die, right? My hand trailed to the back, expecting some sort of hole there or, at least, a jaggered line.

It was perfectly smooth.

"No shit, Sherlock. I was there." She rolled her eyes, helping me sit up. She shone the lamp directly at me, temporarily blinding me.

To my surprise, I actually felt great. I didn't feel like I'd just been stabbed to death a couple of moments ago. Instead, I felt like I'd just woken up from an amazing nap.

The room reminded me of the infirmary, but more of a... mess. Will would've been driven to the brink of insanity if he was here. All of the folders were shoved to one side, as if it was moved along just to make room for me.

I was laying on a bed elevated so high up, that my legs would probably be dangling over the edge of the bed. Looking back at the girl, I noticed she was holding a tray with cookies and a glass of milk.

Her thick, black hair was peaking out the back of a black cap that eloquently read 'average-looking trash' in white comic-sans. She wore a white tank top, her lean but muscular arms debuting, paired with black denim shorts. The only pop of colour was her hot pink material that looked like a massive bandanna wrapped around her waist.

"Stop staring at me and take the damn tray." She grunted.

With a frown, I took the tray and rested it on my legs. I ate the bland cookies and downed the cold milk before trying to remove the uncomfortable cover on me. She pinned me down with one hand.

"Don't move. Not yet, at least."

"Why?" I queried. The pressure on me wasn't something I couldn't shake off easily, but the panic in her eyes caused me to stay put.

Jason Grace and The Land of Fire and Ice (Magnus Chase x HoO Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now