Part 2

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Hepatica Path (Part 2)

There was a reason why torture techniques often used sound as a way to break their victims for information. The constant repetitive sound would start out as relaxing but eventually would get on your nerves like no tomorrow. And as he sat in the chair next to the heartbeat monitor, the sound had finally reached its tipping point for him.

Bakugou got up, glaring intensely at the machine, wishing that there was some way to put it on silence. This constant buzz and the sounds of it picking up on this girl's heart beats were the current rises in his anger. And he needed to get away from this room before he destroyed the place and the injured peer before him.

He moved swiftly, clicking his tongue as he sulked to the door. Besides him, Hatsume looked up from her 'Machine Monthly' catalog, obviously not being as bothered by the noise as he was. She didn't mind the sounds of beeping, more than likely being used to the sounds of machines with her own chosen career path.

"Where are you going?" She asked, placing her magazine down on the table that had divided Bakugou and her for the last 3ish hours.

Prior the two had been waiting in the room outside of the ER, while (Name) had undergone a medical search to see what exactly was wrong with her. Apparently, on the way to the hospital, the ambulance staff could find no wounds or physical injuries... it was almost as if her body had just shut down...

And then after nearly half the day passing, by 3 pm, (Name) had reemerged. She looked stable from the way the nurses and doctors brought her into a private room at a leisurely pace. And now that was where she had been since, sitting and trying to pass the time until she woke up.

Hatsume had attempted to raise the mood by talking about Bakugou's costume and all the little ideas she had to improve it, including a new addition that let him flip off opponents and thus activating an explosion.

But Bakugou was having none of it... and now he had reached the highest point in his patience... meaning he was just about to run out of it. So he was leaving.

"I've been cooped up in this damn room since 8 am... I'm gonna go and get somethin' to eat." He shrugged, not giving Hatsume any time to answer him back before he rounded the corner and sulked down the hallway.

His scarlet gaze peered from room to room, catching the general vibe: happiness, relief, despair, uncertainty, anguish. It was all so different, but too real to each and every person he passed. They all had a loved one in there they were hoping would pull through...

...he didn't however. All he knew about this girl was what she had told him and what he had experienced first hand. He was pulled into this unwillingly on something his former self-had told this girl, and he wasn't exactly happy about that.

He, at this point, just wanted her to wake up so he could further question her as well as give her an earful about shoving him out a window. It was one hell of a way to convince him, but another if that damned quirk of hers was what caused her to be like this.

She was reckless... and he hated people who put others in danger for the sake of whatever they were doing. They got under his skin the most... and she had already begun to claw at his surface, forcing her way in. And he was in no way happy about that.

He finally made it to the large cafeteria of the hospital, seeing nurses and visitors each helping themselves to their food and drink. And lucky for him, there seemed to be plenty of options: stews, soups, salads, sandwiches, sodas, and spritizers. It was nothing compared to Lunch Rush... but it would settle his stomach.

He quickly bought a spicy chicken sandwich, some American inspired dish, and sat down in a booth far away from all the other ones. The sun was slowly making its descent outside the sky beginning to fade away its blue hue.

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