Part 4

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Hepatica Path (Part 4)

The whistle of trains swept through your hair as yet another one came through. The whipping of your locks barely making any sort of change in your thoughts... or rather lack of them.

It was hard... not truly knowing who you were or what you were doing at this moment. That one girl... Hatsume?... seemed to speak to you as if you two were close. But for whatever reason, another part of you seemed to say that she over exaggerated things. That she was excitable and caring, but at times thought too much.

These thoughts existing about nearly anything and everything you had done since that afternoon. The feeling like... some part of you knew what to do and what to say or act like. Like you had... done this before a couple times? But then again... you also felt like you were in this world suddenly.

Like one moment you didn't exist and in the next... you did. One moment you were nothing more than a body in a coma and then the next an empty and blank slate. How you longed to remember what you were... but after his words from that afternoon... part of you feared it.

He seemed so set in the belief that you were some terrible person underneath it all and even now you felt like you were. The emotions stacking on top of you constantly as the air blew from another passing by train at the station.

You breathing was ragged and broken from how heavy everything felt. The sensation of something that wasn't air filling your lungs and making you struggle to breathe. And yet you knew it was the air you were breathing. You knew nothing was on your shoulders and you knew that no matter how hard you tried to force yourself... your memories could not be forced to come back.

And while one or two had... for the most part, you didn't know if and when the rest would reappear. But... one memory, or rather thought, seemed to be tugging at your mind. Pulling you forward and telling you to drop everything and follow it down the path filled with overgrown brush and shrubs.

And as you had acted at the hospital, it was strange how nostalgic it felt. Stealing the nurse's outfit and a mask to cover some of your face, pushing your hair in front of your eyes and a hand on your face to look tired... it seemed almost like your mind had been engraved to act. To not act like yourself, but rather as someone who would act and operate in order to progress you more than the person at your core would.

And while a small part of you felt bad for the nurse who would be missing her uniform from the break room, it had gotten you out of the hospital and now at the train station. Your mind buzzing with some warehouse at the docks. Another jolt of emotions telling you that you just had to go there. That you would find something there... something important.

Hell, this crappy little disguise even seemed to work on the abrasive ash blonde. He had given you a look after you had gotten out of the elevator... but didn't even seem to care. Some strange look on his face and a plastic bag in his hand. You had no idea why he was back... but he could figure out you didn't want to see him when he found out you had ditched the place.

And while you hoped he would fall for the false kidnapping you had set up, that part of you crawling at your mind told you he wouldn't. And that if you didn't hurry and get on your train towards the docks soon... he would come and drag you back to the hospital.

But you couldn't wait any longer! You needed to know who you were... how this happened and what the hell everyone kept talking about! This feeling of worthlessness making your throat dry and your eyes watery. The mere thought making you understand that this was something you were used to feeling... and that you didn't like it in the slightest.

The sounds of a train finally stopping in front of you made your mind once more cease to do anything. And as the announcer spoke that this was the line you needed, your legs began to move forward. One leg standing inside the train and the other still on the platform, you looked downward.

Enouement - Hepatica Path (Bakugou's Ending)Where stories live. Discover now