Prompt 1: How Long Have You Been Standing There

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(Person A is washing the dishes while listening to music through their speaker. They're jamming to their music and singing when a duet comes up. Unknown to Person A, Person B has been standing right behind them, listening. Person B joins Person A and they share a soft moment singing together. Person A and Person B finish the song with a smile on their faces. They then finish the dishes together.)

     I grabbed onto the faucet and turned it towards the hot water. I covered my face with my hands when some of the water splashed onto my face. I laughed lightly and the sink filled with water. I squirted a bit of dish soap into the water and switched the faucet off.
     I grabbed my phone and hooked the Bluetooth to my speaker. It made a small noise, letting me know that it hooked successfully. I turned my phone to my favorite playlist. I smiled and grabbed a washcloth. I got to work. There were quite a few songs that came on that were pretty good. I tabbed my foot to the beat of a few.
     Suddenly one of my favorite songs came on. I can tell what it is from just the beginning. Once it started, I began to sing with it. I hit every note perfectly. I pause for a moment. The speaking part plays through.
     I open my mouth to start singing the men's part when I feel a presence next to me. I look to my left and there stands Peter. His hair is wet from when he was taking a shower. I blush, 'Shit, how long has he been standing there.' He looks over at me with a little twinkle in his eyes. He continues to sing and I start to sing with him. While I wash and rinse the dishes, he dries them with a washcloth.
     "All at once, everything is different, Now that I see you," we sing. He looks at me like I'm the universe and I do the same to him. We both take a quick breath and continue.
     "Now that I see you," we slowly lean in for a kiss. I slowly close my eyes while our lips get closer, almost touching.
     Suddenly, I'm sprayed with water. I scream and laugh. I try to cover my face but it's no use, I'm soon soaked to the bone. Peter soon decided to spare me and turned off the water. I look at him and he gives me that cheeky smile.
     We start to laugh again.
     "Parker, you're so dead later," I tell him with a smirk while I wring my hair out over the sink.
     "I'd like to see you try, Y/n," he says with a smirk. I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs again. We both fall into another laughing fit.
     I look over at him and plead, "At least help me finish." He puts his hands up in surrender and we continue to finish the dishes. We sing a few more songs together until there are no more dishes.
     "Can you answer this for me, Parker," I ask him. He looks over at me with an eyebrow raised. "How long have you been standing there?"
     He looks like he's trying to hold in laughter. "Do you want the truth," he questions. I quickly nod my head. "I've been standing there since you turned on the water."

(Word Count: 575)

Peter Parker Prompts: Written For Friends, Requested by FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now