Prompt 2: Long Live The King

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(Lying in bed, foreheads almost touching, just gazing into each other's eyes like there's nothing else in the world. For a moment, everything is quiet. Suddenly, Person A sneezes, scaring Person B so badly that they fall off the bed into the floor)

     I woke up with a start and heard a knocking sound coming from my window. I quickly slipped shorts on and looked over at my window.
     Standing outside of my window, perched on fire escape was no other than Peter Parker. I quickly rushed to the window.
     "Peter, what the hell are you doing?" I asked him. I tried to stay as quiet as possible, remembering that my parents are sleeping in the other room.
     Peter smiles slightly, "Thought you could use some company." He looked at me with that brilliant smile and my heart melted.
     I roll my eyes and lay back down. I scoot over a bit so he can lay down as well. He smiles his goofy smile and takes off his shoes. He then climbs into the bed and we slip under the covers.
     We laid like that for what could've been anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. I could feel my eyelids starting to droop. I forced them open.
     Suddenly I had a mild tickle in my nose. I tried to ignore it and stay focused on the amazing guy in front of me. The tickle went away only to come back even stronger.
     I could feel my eyes starting to water. I tried to ignore it as well but Peter could see right through it.
     "Y/n, are you alright?" He gave me the largest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen.
     "I-I'm fine," I told him. At the same time, I was trying to hold in the largest sneeze of this century. So, of course, I sounded like I was on the verge of tears. I tried to hold my hand up to show that he needed to back away. That didn't exactly work.
     "C'mon Y/n, you can tell me what's wrong," Peter moved closer towards me. "I promise I won't-".
     And then it hit me. Or I guess, he hit me. The sneeze finally erupted from my nose like a volcano and the force made our foreheads connect.
     The force of the sneeze and the sudden movement scared Peter and he hung desperately onto the side of the bed. I suddenly remembered last week when he sprayed me with the water while I had tried to wash dishes. I grabbed onto his hands. I made it seem like I was helping him.
     I then came close to his ear and whispered, "Long live, the king." I gave his body the last thing that he needed and I watched him disappear off the edge of the bed.
     KaDUNK! His body hit the floor hard and I tried not to cave in. I looked over the side of the bed.
     There lied Peter, stunned from the hit in the forehead and the reference I just made. I smirked at him and waved with my fingers.
"Told ya I was gonna get you back."

(Word Count: 513)

Peter Parker Prompts: Written For Friends, Requested by FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now