Prompt 7: The Tears, They Won't Stop

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     It's been a few months since me and Peter got married. Full disclosure, we've been trying to get pregnant since then. We've had about ten pregnancy tests sitting on the shelf in the bathroom. I remember recently when I missed my period. I immediately texted Peter even though he was at work. He was probably more excited than I was. I remember waiting until he was home to take one of the tests. 
     He finally came home and we pilled into the bathroom and I tried a test. We both crowded around the test and waited for the line or lines to appear. If one line showed, it was negative. However, if there are two lines that are across each other, it's positive. Like magic, two blue lines started to form on the test. 
     Everything after that felt like a dream. It was all fuzzy and it was almost like an out-of-body experience. I remember feeling Peter's hands on my cheeks while he kissed my entire face. We tried to remember that sometimes, things don't work out, but we couldn't stop ourselves from celebrating.
     We ordered extra large pizzas and sat on the couch watching old silly movies. We laugh and ate greasy pizza and buttery popcorn. We waited a few weeks before telling anyone else, you know, just in case. A month goes by, nothing bad happens. We make a cute announcement to Aunt May and my parents. Everyone is smiling and happy. 
     Three months after we find out, we learn that something wrong definitely is going on. I start to take off my clothes to take a shower. There is a small mound slowly growing where my stomach was. I remember taking off my underwear and seeing a red streak. I started to freak. 
     And then I remember screaming for Peter. I don't know if I said his name or just screamed but he came running into the bathroom. By then I already had tears streaming down my face. I showed him the inside of my underwear, still crying. He understood immediately and helped me off the floor. We both worked together and got my clothes back on. 
     We rushed out of the apartment and got into a taxi. I was still crying hysterically. I don't know what would've happened if Peter wasn't there at home with me. He told the driver where to take us. 
     We finally managed to get to the hospital after what felt like forever. We walked in and Peter talked to the man behind the desk. By then I was just quietly sobbing. The man led us to one of the rooms and I laid out onto the bed. 
     Not long after we entered the room, the doctor came in. I told her what had happened and she nodded slowly, taking in what I was saying.
     "We're going to do an ultrasound and see if the baby is okay," she said. I nodded and looked over at Peter and he grabbed my hand and squeezed. We both looked back at the doctor.
     She turned on the machine and I slowly pulled up my shirt. My small hump that I used to adore, now seemed unnatural, like I didn't deserve it. The doctor spread the ultrasound gel on my stomach and it was cold, it was always cold. I squeezed Peter's hand tighter. The three of us looked at the screen of the machine.
     Nothing. There was nothing on the screen. Just a week ago there was a little baby. Now, it was all black. I could feel a pit in my stomach and it felt like there was a black hole that had sucked my baby into it.
     I know it sounds bad, but I didn't cry. I felt nothing. I could hear Peter softly sobbing as the nurse explained to us what had happened. However, I didn't listen. It was like background noise. All I could think and see is the emptiness where my baby had been. My baby, Peter's baby, our baby.
     I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Peter looking at me. His lips had formed into a line and there were tear stains down his cheek. He kissed my cheek softly and whispered, "Let's go home, babe." I nodded slowly. The doctor cleaned off the gel and I pushed my shirt over my hump. 
     We said goodbye and hailed a taxi. Peter held my hand the entire car ride home. He just traced his fingers over my hand softly while I stared off into space. The taxi stopped but I barely noticed. I let Peter drag me into the apartment. 
     He closed the door behind us and I just stood in the entryway. I could hear and see Peter talking to me but it sounded like static. I put my hand on his shoulder and softly pushed him to the side and he let me. I walked to the back, past the extra room already set up with a crib and changing table. 
     I entered our room and laid down on the bed. I played with the sheet and that's when the tears came. It wasn't the pretty kind of cry. It was the ugly kind of cry where snot would running down your face. I hugged my knees while I sobbed. The breaths shook my body while I tried to calm myself. 
     Soft footsteps echoed through the room and Peter climbed into bed beside me. He held me close as we both cried. We didn't talk or anything. We just laid in bed and cried. I wouldn't say it was romantic but it was heartbreaking. It was nice to be able to cry with someone who was going through the same thing at the same time. So that's what we did until we fell asleep.

(Word Count: 974)

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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