Prompt 5: Emergency Noodle Time

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(Person A and Person B realize that they are in a crisis, they've run out of instant noodles. They then decide to go on an emergency trip to the grocery store at 1 am.)

     I yawned and stood up from my spot on the couch. We'd been in the new apartment for a few months now. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a small pot. I went to grab some instant noodles when I realized the worst; it was one in the morning and we had no more instant noodles.
     "Peter!" I heard a thump from the living room and running in came a Peter Parker, probably asleep just a moment ago, with messy hair, and terror in his eyes.
     "Are you alright Y/n? Are you-" he started to ramble. I put my finger up to his lips to hush him.
     "Peter, we don't have any instant noodles. You ate them all last night."
     Realization flashed across his face "Y/n, you woke me up, just so you can tell me we have no more instant noodles" I looked at him like he was crazy.
     "No silly, I woke you up because we need to go buy instant noodles."
     Now it was his turn to stare at me confused. He looked around my shoulder to the oven display. It read 1:34. "Y/n, it's literally 1:34." I gave him a "duh" face and he sighed. "Get your shoes on, we're going shopping," he said with a sigh. I giggled and kissed him on the cheek.
     I ran off to our room and quickly put on sandals. I walked back into the living and Peter was tying his sneakers. He sat up and rubbed his eyes slowly. "You're lucky I love you," he teased, a smile spreading across his face.
     I walked over to him and sat down next to him. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. I look at him and smirk, "I think it's the other way around, honey."
     He gives a little laugh and then stands up. He holds out his hand for me to grab onto," C'mon, my lady. The carriage awaits us." I laugh lightly and grab onto my hand. I let him pull me off the couch. We turn off the lights and head down to the car.
     We arrived at our carriage, a small, old beetle car. Peter thought it would be funny for it to be painted like Spiderman. I was more scared that someone would figure him out. However, that hasn't happened yet, thankfully.
     Peter opened the door for me and I climbed in. He walked around the car to the driver side. I buckled my seat belt and we backed out of the apartment complex.
     Not long after that, we were pulling into the nearby supermart. Once we parked, I climbed out of the car and we walked inside.
     The store was basically empty, besides the couple making out in (and on) the toilet paper section. We walked to the dry food aisle and I scanned for any sale items.
     Like a beacon of light, I saw them. My second love, instant noodles. I managed to grab seven packets in my arms and walked back over to Peter.
     He saw me holding all of the packets haphazardly and laughed loudly. "Need any help," he asked with a grin on my face. I quickly shook my head "no" and headed towards the checkout lines, Peter following not far behind.
     We arrived at one of the checkout lines and I dumped all of the instant noodle packets onto the converter belt. The cashier looked at us with a dead look in her eyes. She scanned our items and Peter paid for them.
     She bagged the noodles and we headed for the exit and then towards the car. I reached for the door when I head a voice behind me say, "Don't even think about touching that door, Y/n." I stepped back and let Peter open the door for me.
     Once the door was open, I climbed inside and he closed it behind me. I put the bag of instant noodles into the back seat and relaxed into the seat. I was asleep before we had even exited the parking lot.

(Word Count: 711)

Peter Parker Prompts: Written For Friends, Requested by FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now