seokute: mY hoEswhatkookingoodlookin: I'm not your hoe
seokute: you are noww
seokute: get this
joonthemoon: your face is too blinding?
seokute: sweetie, that's everyday
seokute: now sTop iNteRRupTing
christianchimchim: hi
seokute: fuck off
seokute: so I walk into McDonald's, right?
joonthemoon: and you saw your reflection on the door?
seokute: joon, I told you, my face is gorgeous everyday
seokute: I'm not surprised by my handsomeness anymore
seokute: so I walk into McDonald's and see this hoe
joonthemoon: which one
seokute: the fake bitch I pretend to like
whatskookingoodlookin: is that not everyone
seokute: good point
seokute: but this hoe- ladies and gentleman- is the most annoying piece of shit on earth
joonthemoon: I thought you said that was kook
seokute: she's WORSE
seokute: imagine that
agustleave: I hate her already
christianchimchim: hate's a strong word
agustleave: I dislike her already that if she got run over by an airjet, I would be cheering the pilot on
joonthemoon: go on
seokute: so this fake bitch is pretending to know me
seokute: she's all like omg how've you been
christianchimchim: she sounds nice
agustleave: she sounds like trump
seokute: jimin, sweetie, I agree with yoongi sorry
seokute: so anyways
seokute: she's like what's up and stuff
seokute: so I respond since I'm a nice person like
seokute: "oh I'm great"
seokute: and then I ordered my chicken nuggets and left
joonthemoon: that's it?
seokute: what do you mean that's it
agustleave: shes horrendous
seokute: seE yoongi understands
whatskookingoodlookin: but she didn't do anything
seokute: she breathed and talked to mE
seokute: do you noT unDerstAnd??
sippingtae: she's a bitch
christianchimchim: hey tae
seokute: ugh anyways that was my rant
sippingtae: friends are too complicatingseokute: who said I was your friend bitch
seokute: we're all BEST friends in tho house
sippingtae: i was talking abt the fake bitch friend of yours
seokute: ...
seokute: I know right?? I'm just gonna go back to being carefree
christianchimchim: you get it hyung
seokute: thanks boo
seokute: 😘
seokshine: what just happened
this is a mess but I'm a mess so its okay
groupchat; bts crack fic
Humorseokute; tell me, am i NOT the most beautiful person in this world ? whatskookingoodlookin; you're not @ayejimin | bts