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Toby gave you a nervous smile as he released you gently.

"H-hey (y/n). Long time no see." Your eyes studied his features. His face was all dirty and he wore the same outfit Astro had been wearing before he burned it all off. His hair was all messy but there wasn't a scratch on him.

An excited gasp escaped your lips and you jumped on him your arms wrapping around his neck.

"You're alive!" You cheered.


Astro glanced around with a broad smile as the crowd cheered for him. Then he looked back for you. He wanted to see your smile. But when he looked you were nowhere to be found.

"Where's-" he cut himself off when his  enhanced hearing caught the sound of you letting out a pained scream before it was muffled. "(Y/n)!" He gasped worriedly.

With you

Then you pulled away. And looked him in the eye with a frown.

"B-but how?!" You asked resting your hands on his shoulders.

"Look, I'll explain everything but for now. I just need you to hide me." You pulled away.

"What?" You asked.

"Please (y/n) I'll explain I swear but you have to hide me!" Toby pleaded and suddenly the ground shook. You lost your footing and slammed into Toby's chest and he caught you with a grunt. When you opened your eyes your lips were only a centimeter apart. You pulled away quickly with a maddening blush.

"Ok, ok. Follow me." You whispered looking out from under the rubble only to see a floating alien of some kind. It shot lasers out of its only eye. You felt panic rise in your chest.

With Astro

Astro looked around frantically when the crowd released him but suddenly a shadow blocked out the sun and sudden gasps were heard all around. Astro flipped around and saw an alien flying above the city and it started to shoot lasers. He glared at it with determination. Then realized you.

This would only take a moment for him. He was sure of it. Then you'd be next on his to save list. Running forward he heard his father call after him.

"Wait! Astro are you sure you're ready for this?" Astro gave him a smile.

"I was made ready." And with that he flew upward and prepared a punch.

Annnnd back to you

Walked through the junk that littered the ground from decades of build up. And Toby glanced around with a frown.

"So you live down here?" He asked with an unsure tone.

"Well I did. But Astro kinda changed that up." You said with a small shimmy of your shoulders. Toby scoffed angrily.

"Tell me about it." You glanced over your shoulder and saw the anger on his face and rose a brow.

"What do you mean?" You asked stopping your pace. Toby's hand curled into a fist and trembled with anger. "Toby?" You asked backing up slightly.

"Did you see the way dad looked at him!?!" He shouted causing you to jump. He realized his mistake and looked at the ground. "Sorry." He mummbled.

"Don't be. Let's talk in here though I'd hate to have someone-"

"Interuppt?" A male voice spoke behind you casually.

You turned only to see Todd standing there with a smirk.

"Nice to see you again babe." He had about three others with him and you stumbled backwards grabbing the handle of the door to your bakery. "Ah ah ah." Todd tsked grabbing your wrist. But you were faster. You shoved Toby in through the now open door. And kicked the door closed and pressed a button on your belt locking the door.

"No! (Y/n)!" Toby yelled pounding on the see through door. "Let her go!" He yelled angrily as Todd shoved you into his goons and two of them held your arms.

"So about you're new boyfriend." Todd said leaning close to you. You struggled but the boys held you fast. "I've decided that's not ok."

"Like I care." You growled not bothering to correct him. You saw and idea flash past Todd's eyes and your gut lurched. That was not good.

"So I was thinking.." He said grabbing your chin. "Maybe I should show him who you belong to." Panic hit you and thrashed.

"Get off me!" You demanded. But your temper was no where near breaking point. Todd smirked.

"Fire. Dang it looks good on you." You shook your head as he leaned closer. No no no! You could not lose your first kiss. Not like this. Suddenly Todd was pulled away from you.

Astro held him by his arm with a determined look. He stood tall and shoved Todd away.

"Don't touch her." He warned dangerously. Suddenly you were released as the two goons ran away. Todd scoffed at him then shot you a look.

"See ya later, babe." He said before running after the other boys.

"Astro thanks!" You said relief flooding your heart and you placed a hand on your chest trying to breathe.

"Did they hurt you?" Astro asked walking over and holding his hands up on either side of you.

"No." Said with a smile feeling a blush come to your cheeks. You leaned over and hugged him around the shoulders. Toby peaked through the door and you shoved away.

"Well I think I left something in the oven. I gotta go. Bye Astro!" You said hurriedly hitting the button on your belt before running into the bakery. Astro gave you a confused look as you ran inside.

Once inside you shoved Toby into a back room out of view and breathed in relief as you heard Astro's rockets flare.

Then you sighed, walked to the counter and jumped up. Leaning your arm on your lap you rested your head on your hand.

"So start talkin'."

Toby seemed to look at you, tense slightly, then look away with a red tint on his cheeks. Then he began to stammer.

"S-so dad thought I was dead. But the peacekeeper actually only absorbed me. When they hit it with the cord it let me out. But I flew back and hit the wall so hard it crumbled on me.  When I came to I couldn't remember anything. So I left the building and hid. But a couple weeks later it all came back to me." Toby was staring at the floor as he explained.

"When I finally got back. Dad had Astro." I built a mini spy cam into a bug and listened in cause I was curious. Dad wanted to stay home with him. To be with him." Toby tugged on the hem of his jacket sadly.

"So I came to find you. I don't want to go back. If - if dad found out he might not... want me anymore." Toby muttered the last part in a sigh. To which you shook your head.

"That's nonsense. Toby he changed and felt that way about Astro because he wanted to be better. He didn't want  some replacement." You said Toby refused to look at you so you slid off the table and took Toby by the cheeks so he'd look at you. "He wanted you back. So badly Toby.... He loved- loves you."

A glint of hope shone in Toby's eyes as he stared at you.

"You think so?" You have a nod.

"I know so." You responded. But Toby pulled away.

"I believe you. But I'm still not ready. Could I stay here...till you know?" Toby asked. You nodded. The bakery hand an office and one bedroom as you had to spend many a night here to hide.

You turned the office into a makeshift room and allowed Toby to use the room with a bed and you stayed in the office with a sleeping bag. When daylight came you woke early and started on breakfeast. Mostly for Toby. You had no clue when he last ate. Suddenly a knock came to your door.

Wiping off your hands you walked over and opened it then froze. Astro stood there with a nervous smile rubbing the back of his neck.

"Morning (y/n)."

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