Setting things Straight.

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"My advice would be Toby." Tenma suggested. This caused you to glance at him over your shoulder questionably. Tenma put his hands up defensively.

"I know what you're probably thinking. Am i chosing Toby because he's my favorite? The answer is no. You haven't seen Toby in forever. You have spent more time with Astro lately. I feel this would be more fair."

His suggestion had a ring or truth to it. But then again Toby had initiated the fight. He kinda deserved to stew a little. But at the same time Toby had just recovered from a traumatic experience.

To be fair so had Astro but atleast he had you. Toby..... Toby had been alone. When you finished the internal debate you gave a nod and walked to Toby's door then proceeded to knock lightly. Silence was all that answered you.

Slowly you pushed the door open and poked your head through the crack. Toby sat on his bed his back towards you.

"Dad, I don't really wanna talk right now." He said gently and almost pleadingly. It broke your heart. Toby really hadn't meant to cause any harm, to him it all just seemed so unfair. You had hurt him. And if you weren't able to fix it you weren't sure you'd be able to forgive yourself. So here was your best shot.

"Good." You said gently before entering the room and pushing the door shut behind you quietly. "Cause I'm not your dad." Toby's head snapped in your direction and he stared at you silently.

"Toby, about what I said earlier." You began trying to find the words. There was no excuse, thus you found none. Harsh words no matter how warranted were never the right choice. "Im sorry." You breathed. Your eyes could no longer hold his gaze and they opted to look to the wall beside you.

"I know you've had a lot to go through. And you must have felt so alone." You weren't sure where you were going with this. And your right hand grasped your left arm uncomfortably.

From your peripheral vision you could see Toby stand up from his bed. Your eyes flickered to his movement as he walked over and wrapped you in a sudden hug.

"Im not trying to give you and dad a hard time." Toby muttered into your shoulder while your arms rested on his back. "Im supposed to be a genius. But it's never enough." You tightened your grip for a second then released Toby.

"It is. I swear it is. He just wanted you to be the best you could be." You assured him. "But Astro is your brother now. Like it or not love it or hate it, he's here to stay. So why not make the most of the time you've got?" You asked while Toby pulled back to see you more clearly.

He studied your eyes for a moment then grew his confiedent smile that you had missed so dearly.

"Onward and upward."

You returned the smile and explained that you had to go see Astro and then you wanted them to make up. Toby groaned thinking it was kinda girly to have to apologize out right but you insisted.

Walking to Astro's room you lightly knocked on the door.

"Come in." Astro said sadly and you could hear the disappointment in his voice. Pushing the door open you walked in. Astro was sitting on his bed looking as pictures he had taken with cora.

When he saw you he perked up and pushed the photos under his pillow. It hurt slightly but you understood. He got up on his knees and you walked over and sat on the edge of his bed.

Astro saw your movement and sat next to you swinging his legs of the side of the bed. After a few moments of silence he spoke up.

"Are you mad?" He asked almost timidly.

"No." You answered softly. "Just worried." You corrected. "Astro I'm used to Toby being rebellious and a bit of a troublemaker, but honestly I never saw you as one to fight back."

You looked at him with more of a questioning look than anything else and Astro sighed.

"I know. It just urked me more than most things ya know. He kinda reminded me of Todd. With his smirk is all." At that your eyes widened as memories flashed behind your eyes. You shook your head to dispell them then spoke with a smile.

"Funny thing? Me too. But Astro-" you looked up at him and put your hand on his shoulder. "He isn't the enemy here. He's just as scared and worried as you are. Except-" your smile turned to a smirk. "He hasn't got the super powers to handle anything. He's only human." Astro's eyes locked onto yours when you smirked and he grew a smile too nodding.

"I have a small confession." Astro pointed out. Your rose a brow waiting for him to continue. "I wasn't meaning to hurt him, honest. I was kinda trying to just give him a taste of his own medicine, but i didn't hurt him....right?"At this you laughed quietly.

"No astro. He wasn't hurt. So? Onward and Upward?" You urged raising a brow and tilting your head. Astro gave a short laugh.

"Onward and upward (y/n)."

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