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Tenma went pale and you bit your lip gazing between the two of them. Toby seemed just as anxious as you, if not more so. He put on a smile and took a tentative step forward.

"Um let me explai-ah!" Faster than your mind could process Tenma had engulfed Toby in a hug and you could see tears forming. Deciding this was a sensitive and private moment you started to leave slowly. Tenma pulled away and stared down at Toby.

"B-but how?" He stammered and you left the room. Breathing out a small sigh of relief you relaxed about to leave.

"(Y/n)?" You heard Astro's voice question and you tensed flipping around to face the boy robot. Astro looked confused and somewhat hurt. "Wha- what are you doing here? What happened to your song?" You went to speak but the door behind you opened and Tenma and Toby came out with a flinch you watched Astro's eyes flicker with realization, then shock, and lastly, dread.

"Toby meet your brother, Astro. Astro Toby." Both boys stared and Toby gave Astro a small wave. Astro barely returned the gesture before looking away in shock and confusion. You could tell he was still trying to process everything and it broke your heart the sad look he wore.

And there you stood in the middle of it looking absolutely lost. Looking at Astro you decided it best to explain.

"Look I'm sorry I lied to you. Toby wasn't ready and I couldn't leave him alone." Astro gave you a confused look.

"Ready?" He asked.

"To meet you." You clarified quietly. The guilt was pressing on your heart making it almost painful to look at Astro.

"Oh." Astro muttered simply. You could tell he was semi-relieved at the new information but he was mostly disappointed. Which hurt more than anything.

"If you'd like we could maybe hang out tomarrow?" You offered. Astro lit up at the offer instantly.

"Sure." He said with a smile. Just then Toby walked over to you and touched your shoulder.

"Hey um Astro was it?" He asked kinda timidly.

Astro looked at Toby with uncertainy and hope it seemed.

"Could I steal (y/n) for a minute?" Astro gave him a small frown.

"Sure." Toby tugged on your arm and you followed him and waited for him to speak.

"So look, I don't gotta problem with you hanging out with um Astro but be careful ok?" Toby said quickly. You paused for a second.

"Wait, why?" A moment of silence passed and you frowned. "Toby do you think he's gonna go rouge?"

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