New friends

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Battles were simple really. You were basically put in a ring with another person and given a weapon. Your weapon of choice varied but it was normally long range. The listed varied from a scythe to double swords.

At one point your uncle suggested a gun but you refused. Guns were useful and you knew that. You also knew just how painful they could be, not to mention deadly under the right circumstances.

You knew all of the combatants well and even got to know them better after battles. Most of them just had fun fighting and would never go too far, a few of them were out for blood. There wasn't much one could do to prepare for these battles as everyone had their own technique.

"You won't need to do any training." Your uncle stated simply. "You haven't met these opponents so it wouldn't do you any good anyway." This confused you. You had litterally met all the competetors. True there may be a few new ones or some who stopped doing it but they all couldn't be entirely new.

You sat in the car resting your head on your folded arms looking out the window. Your uncle was in the passengers seat infront of you and a robot drove. It was nightime outside and the sky was alight with various stars. This reminded you of the surface. What you had called home for a long time. Hamegg's betrayal though, not entire shocking, was still painful.

And your friends being in danger because of you. And Toby's reaction when you yelled at him for helping you. All of it came crashing down in your mind and your heart cracked painfully in your chest. You weren't sure why. Though you guessed it was your way of coming to terms with the realization that you would most likely never see them again.

"Missing the robot boy?" Your uncle asked from beside you. You remained silent. You weren't in the mood to talk right now. A small shock was enough to remind you to just play along for now.

"Ouch! No!" You barked annoyedly. You heard you uncle shift in his seat infront of you. Most likely to face you. To this you groaned inwardly. Showing any type of emotion towards him was a mistake. He enjoyed exploting them far too much.

"What's he like?" Your uncle asked with a friendly tone. Did he think you were stupid? A baby perhaps? You weren't going to fall for his nice routine. He held that up throughout his 'president' phase and honestly you hated it much more than his normal mood.

"I don't know." You mummbled trying to wipe all emotion from your voice. He didn't deserve to know what you knew about Astro.

"Oh come on don't be shy. You have to know something! Afterall you spent quite a while with him while he  was hiding down on the surface." You wanted to seal your lips and end this conversation, but he didn't give up that easily. He threw you a warning look you remebered all too well.

"We didn't talk much." You stated simply. It wasn't a complete lie just mostly.

"Well that's odd." Your uncle said a smug knowing tone in his voice. "Cause he sure seemed attached to you on the plane ride." You hadn't ever wanted someone to shut up more in you're entire life.

"He is nice to everybody. It's nothing new." You pointed out plainly and simply.

"You're right." Your uncle stated catching you very much off guard. You blinked and shifted in your seat to glance over at him. A small confused frown present on your lips. "You weren't important to him. He's a robot, he can't feel. He didn't feel like you were important. His programming simply told him to be nice to you."

Now that was just low. Your confusion dropped to a look of annoyance. He knew you disagreed. He was trying to get under your skin. You only shifted again returning your gaze to the window. He wasn't worth the words. At the same time something about that statement sounded true. Of course it was false, but something about it rang out in your mind.

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