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" Life is bullshit, sweetheart

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" Life is bullshit, sweetheart. "

If it weren't for Rowan's skillful snooping skills and the fact that she trained to move like a ninja six days a week, she wouldn't have found out that her best friend, accompanied by others of whom she had yet to meet, were off to rot in a prison cell halfway across the world.

The girl's heart seemed to hammer against her chest, pounding at her rib cage, her blood running cold. It felt as if her whole world had come crashing down in a span of five seconds, the thought of her precious guardian locked away creating a heavy weight in her heart. I With her stomach in knots, she slowly pulled away from her hiding spot, revealing that she had been listening in on Natasha and her father's conversation this whole time.

"What are we gonna do about it?" Rowan murmurs, her voice thick with emotion.

"Nothing of your concern, young lady-" Tony replies, "didn't I teach you that eavesdropping is rude?"

"No." She replies, "Steve and Sam are in jail, Dad. We have to do something."

"We have to do something. Meaning Natty here and I. Not you." Tony explains solemnly, "you and Wanda both have already caused enough trouble around here. We don't need another telekinetic Avenger running around, setting things on fire with your weird.. purple light things. The answer is no Rowan Stark."

"This is bullshit."

"Life is bullshit, sweetheart."

Rowan let out a frustrated yell, stomping her feet dramatically before pounding away to her room. She was devastated. Absolutely devastated. The only person (besides Natasha and her father, sometimes, of course) she actually loved was going to jail for some nutshell of a crime he probably didn't commit. She needed to do something. She had to. And, being the rebellious teen she is, decided to take matters into her own hands.. against her father's consent.

"Friday?-" Rowan calls into her cell phone as she slips on a hoodie, slinging her drawstring bag over her shoulders, "call Happy and have him bring in the jet. I need to get to Berlin as quickly as possible."

"You know your dad will murder you when he finds out you've gone to save Captain Rogers and Mr. Wilson by yourself, yeah?" F.R.I.D.A.Y's automated voice replied.

"I don't really care." She spits, securing her tattered laces around her ankles "I need to save Steve and Sam. Even if I die trying."

Berlin, Germany

Traffic rolls around the victory column, horns beeping and impatient people screaming their insults at the cars in front of them. Inside a gray armed truck, in a glass pod, sits a restrained Bucky, his arms mangled by a straight jacket meant for the clinically insane. Guards surround him, watching his every move as if he could break free at any moment; and how Bucky is, so unpredictable and secrete, anything is possible.

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