Work and that perfect text message.

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The sound of my alarm clocked blared into my ears, signalling it was time to wake up. I groaned, rolling over and turning it off. Back to work, fun! 

I got up from my bed, deciding to skip my morning run due to the rain pouring outside. I got in the shower and washed up. I stepped out of the shower and put my robe on and brushed my hair thoroughly. 

I dried and lightly curled my hair. Did my makeup perfectly and got dressed in a green flowy shirt, tight jeans, and cute rain boots. I smiled into my mirror, finishing applying my lip gloss. 


"Hey daddy?" I said to him. 

It was me and my dad in the kitchen, eating breakfast. He was reading the news paper also. He looked up from the paper and pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose. 

"Yes love?" His thick British accent filled the silence of our big house. Brooke, Claire, and my mother were still sleeping, considering it was only 6 in the morning.

"Did you deal with my work yet?" I asked.

"Yes, of course! Leigh said it was perfectly fine for you to take off 4 weeks for some family time." He answered, a smile on his face.

"4 weeks? We're only in Jamaica for 2." I said.

"Mandy, I wanted you to take off work for a while and just relax. You've been working so hard, you need a break love." He told me.

"Thank you so much Dad! But I have to go now." I put my cereal bowl in the sink and kissed his cheek softly.

"Okay darling, just get through this week and then your off for 4." He smiled.

I returned the smile and grabbed my purse. I left the house and quickly ran into the car, trying not to destroy my hair from all the rain. I started my Mercedes and drove off to work. 


"Alyssa sorry to be rude and all but could you please get off that damn phone? Your not helping me and your my assistant!" I didn't want to sound like a bitch, but it came across as that. I was sick of her tapping away on that phone while I did all the hard work.

"I'm sorry Mandy. But I just met this amaaaazing guy." She sung, practically glowing.

"Okay well, we will talk about him later together now help me get these models situated!" I urged as she put her phone down and walked over to me.

We were on the practice run way, telling the models were to stand and when to come out and so on. While I was going to be away, our company was having a runway show to raise money. I needed everything to be perfect, since I was the runway manager and I wasn't even going to be there.

"Okay Lyss, you do know your in charge of this right? I won't be here so pay attention." I said firmly. She nodded and started writing down notes.

I spoked into my microphone that was around my ear, asking for the models to come out. 

In less than 5 seconds, 10 beautiful models stood before me.

"Okay Lyss, it's going to start like this. You signal Heather," I grabbed Heather's arm and pulled her with me.

"You tell her to go once the music starts and she will walk down to the end, pose, and walk back. Once she's on her way back from the pose, you will signal Regina to go okay?" I told her and Alyssa scribbled down my words as quickly as possible.

"Okay so Heather, Regina, then who?" She asked tapping her pencil against her notebook. 

"Write this down okay? Heather, Regina, Beth, Laurie, Jackie, Layla, Marissa, Olivia, Penelope, and then Faith will close it. Then they will all go one more time to finish off together, okay?"

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