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  • Dedicated to To all my readers:)


Consumed with rage, I leap for a surprised Blake. Blake's eyes widen in shock as he falls over his own feet,  stumbling out of the way.

How could he do this to us? Cameron was his friend.

Star screams incoherent words in my mind but I try to concentrate on the job at hand. I notice the pack members step back with wide, frightened eyes while some looked torn between jumping and helping their Alpha.

Ignoring everything around me, drowning out the noise and distractions, my glowing blue eyes land on a large honey coloured wolf growling threateningly at me. I growl  back putting all my power into it. Since I have no powers left it's not as powerful as it would have been before but I am still a Luna so my growl willl still make someone bow in submission. Unfortunately it seems Blake has enough power of his own to fight my command. This just infuriates me more.

I throw punches at his face. I notice he only defends himself from my oncoming attacks and does not even try to hurt me. This confuses me at first but once again my vision is clouded with red hot rage as the pain and loss of my mate still blooms in my chest, causing me to stumble and whimper.

As I regain my composure, I stare into the eyes of the person I saw as more of a brother and close friend than a Beta to the pack. He tries to plead with his eyes but I don't give him a chance to defend himself and quicky lunge for his neck, hands ready to clamp around his neck and kill the son of a bitch.

My fingers curl around his windpipe. He gasps for breath and trys to pry my fingers away but fails. My body is suddenly slammed into a tree as a body crashes with mine. Dazed, I shake my head to clear my vision and stand up on my shaky legs. I turn to see a mocha coloured wolf nuzzling  Blake and my eyes widen in recognition.


She turns to me after comforting her mate and bares her teeth at me. I growl a warning at her but she stubbornly stands her ground. Just as I am about to make another attack a voice rings through my head causing me to stop in my tracks.

* " Skylar? I can't believe it's you! How is this even possible? We watched you die, we fricking buried you! No, no, no this can't be happening.." Ellie rambles to herself.

Another voice joins her.

* "Sky, I have no idea what just happened and there are so many unanswered questions right now. Please let us explain and you can tell us your story aswell. Just don't do anything you'll regret later.  Let us talk about this. I know you must feel very confused." Blakes voice sounds through my head.

* " I won't regret killing him." Star growls darkly and for once I have to disagree with my wolf.

* " Let's hear them out before we do anything rash." I say before turning my attention back to the clearing.

A pack member kindly hands them some clothes. Blake and Ellie quickly change back and once they see me they run to me and engulf me in a large group hug. I would be lying if I said that it didn't feel nice. After nearly being squeezed to death they eventually let me go and step back allowing me to take a gulp of air. 

I take the time to look around at the crowd of pack members and I am met with astonished, confused, happy and awed expressions. But my chest tightens when I can clearly notice some people missing.

"Okay well it's time for some answers that are clearly overdue so why don't we go back to the pack house where everything can be explained." Blake speaks loudly and clearly around the clearing. Heads immediately nod in agreement as pack members slowly disperse in the direction of the pack house.

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