Chapter Twenty Six

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My hand holds the pen tightly as I slowly lower it down onto the blank page. Teardrops fall soaking the crumpled paper as I silently cry. I sniffle as I try to write as much as I can and to explain everything on the piece of paper. I sign the end with a flourish. The pen drops to the table with a loud bang. I pick up the envelope delicately before slipping the letter into it and sealing it tightly. I stare at the name scrawled across the envelope.

To my mate Cameron and the Silvermoon pack.

~ End of Dream~

I groan as lights penetrate through my eyelids. They flutter open after some difficulty. My head feels groggy and confused. I try to move my head to determine my whereabouts but am only met with blinding light.

"Turn down the lights." I grumble trying to cover my eyes. The lights dim slightly and I sigh in relief.

"Thank you."

An airy giggle catches my attention. I sit up abruptly to see my mother standing smiling in front of me. My eyes widen as I remember everything.

"I'm dead." I say my tone empty and depressed. She places her hand out and I slowly grasp it.

"Come now I will explain."

"Wait! What about the war? What's happening?" I ask frantically. She rolls her eyes.

"That's what I need to explain." She sits in her throne but this time there is another one beside it. She gestures for me to sit down.

"When you first came here I told you about the time difference." I nod.

"Yeah for every five minutes up here is a day down on earth." I furrow my eyebrows at the topic.

"Why?" I ask reluctantly.

"You have been dead for over 3 weeks. The war is already over." I try to process her words but it was taking some time. I stay silent as I look straight forward.

"Tell me what happened."

She looks pained at my question and instantly I start to feel sick.

"After you...died, the war automatically began. Your pack fought well against the hunters but they had the weapons. So many died." She says her voice dropping .

"Our plan worked. The hunters were indeed distracted and bewildered by your sudden death. This gave time for the werewolves to react and with the help of those rogues who were on our side they won the war." She smiles.

"They won?" She nods her head in confirmation and I smile happily at the news. I felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The happiness didn't last long though.

"W-Who died?" I ask timidly. She stays quiet for two agonising minutes.

"Alpha Ian died protecting his mate Hannah. A few days afterwards Hannah died also from the loss of her mate. Her wolf just gave up and soon her body did too." I cover my mouth in shock at the news. Cameron's parents died. He must be heartbroken having to lose his parents at the same time. I want to be there for him. To hold and to comfort him.

"Who else?" This time I was scared to hear the names of my loved ones.

"Mark and Dakota died together." She says solemnly. My shoulders slump and I put my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry sweetie but they're with their daughter now." I stay quiet and my mother doesn't interrupt. I don't want to hear anymore but I know I have to. I finally signal her to continue and from the look on her face, I wasn't going to like it.

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