Fake news

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For weeks everything was going great. New songs written one after the other. Stronger feelings towards one another as the day passed and more and more shows were upcoming. It was like life was finally at its best.

Jack and Brook finally becoming the official Jacklyn was a huge deal. They were still trying to hide from the public to not complicate anything and to just enjoy their little paradise before it was all over the internet. Sure the fans were already suspecting , but it was the same with Andy and Rye. Many people thought Randy was real , but really that seemed to be for show , nothing official , so Jack and Brook decided to keep it low key , at least for now.

One night Mikey was on TikTok, on live in his bed. He was singing , while Jack and Brook were in Jacks bed , more or less making out. When Mikey reaches for his phone to hold it , he accidentally dropped it off the bed, he got off the bed and reached for again. When picking it up he was facing Jack and Brook who still seemed to be kissing and Mikey turned the camera around onto them by accident.

M: Oh shit , fuckfuckfuck. Uh haha guys they're just playing and shit . Guys what are you even doing?
J: Uh spin the bottle?!
M: On the bed?
B: Yeah it seems to work.

Mikey turns around and gets up on his bed.
J: You're such an idiot. silently towards Mikey

Mikey looks at jack and brook worried, and suddenly says bye to the watchers and ends the live.

J: Mike what the fuck?
M: It was a fucking accident, do you think i wanted to ruin everything?
B: Okay no need to get annoyed , it was obviously an accident. Everything will be fine.
J: No it won't be , now they know. Everything great is over.
B: No it's not , only if you're breaking up with me because of a stupid accident.
J: No no no. I'm not doing that i'm just... uh
B: I know i'm worried too but it will be okay.
M: I'm really sorry guys.
J: Uh it's okay, as brook said, everything will be fine.

Brook unlocked his phone and went on instagram. Loads of people were posting screenshots and videos of the live when him and Jack were kissing .He showed it to Jack.

J: You know what? I'm just gonna tweet about it , and stop this.

Hi guys , ha you have definitely seen Mikeys live , and i know it looked like me and brook were making out, but it's not what you guys think. We were just playing. -Jack

People started retweeting and everyone seemed to calm slowly down. Less tweets were about Jack and Brook and the kiss on camera and everything seemed to go back to the normal tweets. Jack seemed somewhat relieved , but not Brook.

J: What's wrong?
B: Why do you think if the public knows we won't be okay, that we won't be the same?Do you not want everyone to see you with me or what?
J: It's not like that but the public is going to turn it into something else and it will be ruined.
B: They won't if they know the truth. Which obviously they don't because you keep lying.
J: I'm doing it for us.
B: Us?
J: uh yeah.
B: Well then i'm doing this for us too..

Hi guys , ignore what Jack said, everything is real. We're together , and have been for weeks. He's just too scared to make everything public. He says that if you guys know everything will change. I know it's not true because if me and him are being real then so will you , i'm sure. -Brook

B: ....aaaaand posted.
J: What?
B: Check our tweets.
J: But why?
B: because i'm going to prove you wrong.

A few days passed , everyone was talking about Jacklyn and how cute they are together. Everything seemed to be just like Brook thought it should be and would be like.

Brook was on his phone on instagram when he noticed a post about a magazine that is keep being shared.
The front cover was a picture of Jack and Brook, it was titled:
Teen Singers Reveal Secret Relationship After Lying For Weeks.
Further on it said:
How can the fans be okay with that, i surely wouldn't. Is it even true? Maybe they're lying again. Just for show, to be in magazines and news like this one.

Brook started shaking and tears came to his eyes. He couldn't believe that the public thought that everything about them is a lie. They only did it to know that everything is real before telling everyone else. And now everything seemed to turn into what Jack said.

B: I can't believe this. I can't believe you were right.
J: I told you Brook that's what they do to people like us. They assume and make money from assumptions.
B: But how did you know ? Did this happen to you before ?
J: Uh... yeah.... a few years ago i was singing in a bar and i met a guy. He was lovely and fun. We became a couple. After a few days an online post said ' You know Jack is with that guy because he feels bad for him, that guy is probably here for the fame and to take Jacks money'. After that , it got into magazines and loads of news websites. We broke up after to reduce the fake news.
B: Are we going to break up now too, like you did with that guy?
J: I.... uh .... i don't know....

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