I Need To Tell Him..

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K a y c e e ' s  P o v

As we park the car I look up at Macks window to see her quickly close the blinds..she saw the interview..

"Get ready for Mack" I said with a chuckle

"What does that mean?" He asked as we walked up the stairs

"You'll see" I said with a smirk

I open the door a-

"Why didn't you tell me!" She yelled throwing a pillow at Sean's face

"Ow!" He said as the pillow fell to the ground 

"Why didn't you tell me either!" She yelled throwing a pillow at my face

"Double ow!" I said as she glared at us

"I'm going to sleep...because I can't handle this right now" She said trying to be serious 

"It's only 10 pm" I said furrowing my eyebrows

"Still" She said going up to her room

As Mack shut her door I ran to my room to change out of this damn dress into some comfy clothes. We still didn't have great air conditioning so I just put on a Nike crop top and  a matching pair of shorts

 We still didn't have great air conditioning so I just put on a Nike crop top and  a matching pair of shorts

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I walked out to see Sean.. shirtless cleaning up the kitchen from Mack's mess

"I could get Mack down here to clean that up if you want" I said holding the dustpan for him

"No it's ok she's "Sleeping" so I can't wake her" He said with air quotes

I laughed at his reply and went back to help him clean

"It's to quiet in here...Hey Google!..play country music" He smirked

He knows I hate most country songs..

"Of course" I said with a sigh

Unforgettable By Thomas Rhett plays

"It was the 14th of October and that t-shirt off your shoulder I was drunk, said I was sober and you said "yeah, right"  Sean sang 

"We were talkin' for a minute then some guy tried to cut in you took my hand and we pretended like I was your guy"  I couldn't help but sing 

He grabbed my hand and spun me as the song went on. The end of the third verse came along and he grabbed my waist and pulled me close so our bodies were touching 

" Girl, that night was just like you unforgettable" He said softly 

I put a big smile on my face slipped out of his grip as I slowly whipped my hair to the beat

  "You brushed away your blonde hair and you kissed me out of nowhere I can still show you the spot where everything went down" I sang before kissing him 

"Oh, I told you I was gonna marry you, you probably didn't think that it was true" He sang with a smirk

All of this almost made me forget-..

 M a c k ' s  Q u i c k   P o v

When I was "Sleeping" I heard country music downstairs so I decided to go check it out. I slowly traveled around the living room to the kitchen..I saw Kaycee and Sean singing and dancing to the song. OUT OF NOWHERE! Sean pulls her close and sings..but THEN..KAYCEE KISSES HIM..MY FOSTER SISTER KISSED THE SEAN LEW...I NEED TO GO SCREAM INTO MY PILLOW. OK MY WIG IS OBLITERATED..AHHH

S e a n ' s  P o v

Kaycee and I finished out little cute "Moment" a bit ago but I've been meaning to talk to Mack for a bit so I need to try to make an excuse to go talk to her.

"I'm gonna go check to see if Mack's ok she usually blasts musiz by now"  I said to Kaycee as I stood up from the couch

"Ok...I'll get the movie started"  her cute quiet voice spoke

I run up the stairs to Mack's room making sure Kaycee wasn't following me..I don't want her hearing this conversation. I get to Mack's door and take a deep breath..I hope this goes well

"Oh hey Sean" Mack said rolling off her bed

"Hey Mack..uh I've been meaning to talk to you..about your sister" I said swinging the door

"Ok...sit" She said patting the floor next to her

Here we go..

"Before I start I need you to know that Kaycee isn't my Girlfriend..I just was in the heat of the moment..but I'll explain that more later"

"Oh..well ok" She said looking around

"Uhh.. don't know how else to say this..so i'm just gonna flat out say it..I'm in love with Kaycee.." I said between gulps

"Say what now?" She snapped

"I'm. in. love. with. Kaycee" I repeated slowly

"Woah..that's a lot to take in.. ok.." she said standing up

"And I mean that.." I sad standing up along with her

She just shook her head and smirked..

"You guys are very cute together..but if you do anything to hurt her again..I will personally get 50 animals to shit in your room" She said with a smile

"Don't worry I fucked up before and I faced the consequences..I am never gonna do that again..but what should I do?" I asked

"Tell her how you feel..it's the only way..and trust me I know Kaycee..you got into her heart very eaisly.. but she is lea-" She said with a smile

"Will do" I said saluting her as I left the room

I wonder what she was about to say..?

I skip downstairs with a huge smile on my face..just waiting to tell ka-

...and she's sleeping

I mean she looks really cute..but I was just sad I couldn't tell her tonight. I lightly pick her up bridal style and carry her up to her room trying not to wake her..but I suddenly saw a little bit of her eye open. I made her think I didn't know about it so I lay her down on her bed and put her blanket over her. 

"I need to tell you something super important tomorrow." I said softly knowing she could hear me

I kissed her..feeling her kiss back just made my heart go wild..I really do love this girl..more than you know

K a y c e e ' s  P o v

I need to tell him that-..

To be continued.. 

A/N Sorry for not updating recently i'm starting school and it's just stressful 

i'm sorry for leaving you on that but I had to

this chapter was also written over the course of 3 days so sorry if it's all over the place

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