It Will Be Alright

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K a y c e e ' s  P o v

"Sean I just can't do it right now.."  I exclaimed

"Trust me..ok I love you with all my heart and this won't stop me from continuing to" I added

"Kaycee I know you are doing this so you can recover but I lost her too so we should do this together" Sean said in a quiet voice

"No Sean!... Mack was the reason I met you..she's the reason I fell in love! I will never ever get to thank if you need me I'll be at baileys. But reminder I'm not your baby, your princess, or your girlfriend until the hole in my heart heals" I snapped

I run out of the room grab my stuff and get in my car...what am I doing

what have I done.. 

I've done it turning back

time to dance...

S e a n ' s  P o v

I watch Kaycee run out of the room and down to her heart shattered..I ran downstairs and watched her pull out...she was crying and I'm not gonna lie,  I was too

But the best thing for me right now is dance...and I know who to text

Jan and Lonni

some of the best choreographers I know..

~The next day~

As I sit alone in Macks room I think about how she's in a better place now and that she's not in pain anymore. But I can't stop thinking about Kaycee...she's probably in so much pain right now and all I want to do is hug and kiss her and tell her it's alright.  I know I'll see her at the funeral over the weekend but that's 3 days from now and even that's too long

I'm getting ready to go to set which is actually a house by the Hollywood sign..Lonni told me that there would be a girl who had never been in a concept video that was a bit concerning

But it also hurt me that I wasn't going to be dancing with Kaycee

beep beep

I look at my phone and see that Lonni had texted me...she sent me the song I would be dancing was be alright by dean lewis

as I began to listen to it but there is one part that really cut deep,

And my friend said
"I know you love her, but it's over, mate
It doesn't matter, put the phone away
It's never easy to walk away, let her go
It'll be okay
It's gonna hurt for a bit of time
So bottoms up, let's forget tonight
You'll find another and you'll be just fine
Let her go"But nothing heals the past like time
And they can't steal
The love you're born to find
But nothing heals the past like time
And they can't steal
The love you're born to find

This reminded me of Kaycee and I except I'm not letting her go...ever

beep beep

"oh and I need you over here in 30 minutes"

is what She enough of the sulking let's get ready to dance


The past 20 minutes have consisted of me listening to sad songs and watching the time go by but now I've arrived at the set and I'm waiting for Jan or Lonni to buzz me in

"Hey are you Jan said letting me in

"Not that about you?" I retorted

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