Chapter 8

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This man, should not be at school right now. The rest of my classmates and I watch as Aizawa-sensei walks through the door with his entire face wrapped in bandages.
"Don't concern yourselves over me yet. After all, the battle hasn't really ended for you yet."
What does he mean? More villains? My mind wanders back to the conversation Hitoshi and I had about using your quirks outside of school and without permission. Technically Aizawa told us to not fight but then again, we were left no choice. Or does it even apply to us at all considering we were at a school event.

"UA's sports festival is approaching boys and girls!"

My blood steams with excitement. A sports festival? One where I can show off my skills? One where I can win?!?! I look over to Katsuki who is smirking widely, probably thinking the same thing I am. He glances a me with narrowed crimson eyes, his grin never leaving his face.

"I'm so gonna beat you sweet cheeks!"

"Oh yeah, you're going to be disappointed then."

I smirk back at him. Since after the incident, he's treated me the same way he treats Kirishima and his other friends. Just as if I were one of them, I'm glad he didn't treat me like his enemy anymore the same way he treats Izuku. But then again, I do see Katsuki as a friendly competition to become the strongest.

"...what you should be thinking about is what a big chance the academy's sports festival presents for you all. Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events! In days past, the Olympics was the sports festivity that whipped all the nation into a front of enthusiasm, but now, as you know, the extent and population have shrunk and it's lost a lot of substance."

In other words, the sports festival is as important as the Olympics? I cant see this being true, right? In America we would go crazy over the Olympics, selling tee shirts, posters, rooting for our country constantly. When the Olympics were going on, there was not a moment in the house where we didn't have the tv on. I look over to Shoto next to me who was crossing his hands over the bridge of his nose like an intense anime character.

"Shoto? Is the sports festival really that big of a deal?"

He looks at me with slightly widened eyes before he relaxes again, leaning his cheek into the palm of his hand.

"I forget you're not from around here, yeah everyone watches it, whether it be in person or on television. It's the most important event of the year."

"Wow! It must be something then! So does that mean there'll be scouts?"

He nods his head and creates a floating snowflake out of his ice, staring at it deeply.

"Always, this is a big chance for all of us. If you're lucky then an agency will scout you out and you might get a chance to understudy as a sidekick before getting into your solo career."

"Wow!! I'm sure you'll get scouted, I'm just worried about my abilities for the festival."

He quirks a brow at me, suddenly the thought of exhausted purple eyes fill my mind as I shake my head, attempting to not think about him.

"You did extremely well against those villains, after all, you knocked that villain to the ground with ease. I'm sure you'll be able to shock some of the competitors with your abilities and tricks."

I smile widely at the two-toned boy, I guess he's right, I did knock that creepy man to the ground.

"The only question is, to what extent can you use your portals? I couldn't help but notice that you stopped using them towards the end."

"Y-Yeah, I can't use them a ton, they exhaust me and if I'm careless and enter the other dimension then the exit might close on me, leaving me trapped."

"Then that's something you'll need to train on."


Aizawa cuts all of our talking off, causing us to silence and stare back at the injured hero.

"Entering the squad of a famous hero will get you higher status and more experience. Remember, time is limited. If you get noticed by a pro, that gives you the standing for a brighter future than otherwise. This is the chance you'll get only once a year...for a total of three chances. If you aim to be a hero, this is an event you can't overlook!"

We didn't get a chance to discuss this until our lunch break after our literature class ended. Since learning about it in homeroom, I've hardly been able to concentrate. Same with everyone else as we buzzed excitedly to ourselves, I even saw some people pass notes talking about it. Now that we got the chance, everyone was standing, rambling about how they're going to bring all they got and no one will stop them. Even Ochako got into the spirit of things, giving a deadly aura off, intimidating those around her. I found Katsuki silently grinning in his seat, the same thing he's been doing since we heard the news. I got up and sat in the chair in front of him, leaning over the part where you'd rest your back. He looked annoyed with me, leaning in close to my face.

"What're you doing idiot?"

His fists clenched, his defiant and challenging smirk never left his face, obviously trying to intimidate me.

"Be my friend."

"What? Idiot, don't just demand that."

He smirked again, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I said, be my friend. We have a mutual dislike for each other so that's obviously how it works you know?"

He looked at me with a stupid expression on his face as I smiled at him.

"Are you f****** serious? That's not how that friendship thing works."

"Yes it is, we have to be friends, plus you're being nicer to me."

He scoffed, looking in the direction of the classroom door as I took out my lunchbox and began digging into my food. He did the same and began eating the contents of his bento. Neither of us talked to each other but somehow we ended up seeing who could eat the fastest. He of course won, despite me starting earlier than him.

"Hey Katsuki?"

"Who gave you the permission to call me that you stupid brat?!"

"We're friends now aren't we? Isn't that how it works in Japan?"

He scoffed, leaning into the palm of his hand as he glared at me.

"No, not unless I f****** gave you permission, got it?"

I nod slowly, still eating my macaroni and cheese.

"But since you're and idiot and won't remember, then you can."

AWH! He just needs a friend.

"Anyways, Katsuki, do we only go up against each other?"

"No, we go against all the other classes, not that those extras can do anything. The real challenge is in between us."

"Hmm, anyone you especially want to fight?"

I think about Hitoshi in the general studies class, he never told me his quirk, nor did he seem to have any interest in fighting. I wonder if he'll participate. I look at Katsuki, still waiting for an answer as he smirked, staring at Shoto in the corner of the room.
"Icy over there, and you."

He turned his attention back on me, his crimson eyes glowering at me.

"Good luck with that, you won't even be able to lay a mark on me."

"Yeah, you're right princess, You won't even make it far enough to fight me."

The final bell rang as we all got up to gather our items to head home. We have exactly two weeks to train our hardest until the sports festival, meaning I was going to train my endurance and definitely my hand to hand combat skills.

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