Chapter 21

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I'm way too tired and dead to process this information. The three of us sat around a gleaming orange fire with roast chicken on our plate and an awkwardly placed bag of thawed vegetables next to us.

"So you're telling me...that Aizawa-sensei has been teaching you for a while now?"

I asked Hitoshi who just chewed his food with a bored expression and nodded.

"Yes, I've taken him as my apprentice of some sort."

The two men were super calm, I, on the other hand, sat there with my mouth in an 'O' shape pretending that I knew exactly what was going on.

"But why though? Toshi wasn't even in the hero course until recently."

The fire crackled around us, it heats my face up a bit and cast a beautiful glow on Hitoshi who sat in front of me.

"I approached Shota one day and ever since he's been my sensei."

"Okay, so we're on first name basis now?!"

I exclaim somewhat loudly and flail my hands in the air and look between the two men. Neither of them really responded it was like Aizawa was his uncle or something.

"Okay then, well that's fine, but Aizawa you can at least call me Charlie, everyone calls me that."

I made eye contact with my sleep-deprived teacher who simply tilted his head in thought.

"Okay, I guess I can do that."

He leaned back and rubbed the back of his neck tiredly. We continued eating in silence and passed the bag of vegetables around per request. It was actually pretty chill to hang out with Aizawa, he didn't talk much but when he did, he treated us like people instead of kids. He didn't degrade us or try to talk on our 'terms', he just spoke. It was different than he did during class, but in class, he had to control twenty-two rambunctious aspiring heroes. Here it was just Hitoshi and me, while I can get riled up at times, Hitoshi was almost always mellowed out. I looked over to Hitoshi who was eating peacefully, I know it's weird to watch someone, especially when they're eating, but he's just so amazing. He looked up at me through his purple lashes and smirked. My heart immediately skipped a beat and I couldn't help but stare back at him, a small smile of my own playing on my lips.

This continued for a few minutes before an awkward cough sounded in between us. Aizawa threw out his plate in a tight bag and went to his tent.

"Go to your camp, and throw the chicken somewhere so bears don't attack."

With that, he disappeared into his tent and left Hitoshi and I in silence.

"You heard the man."

Hitoshi stood up and through his plate away and grabbed mine from me and threw it away too. We collected all of the food and threw it in its respective area and began our trek to our hammocks. It felt weirder hiking a mile out so late at night, all we had was the faint glow of the moon and our flashlight to guide us. The red ribbon I tied around some of the trees earlier looked ominous in the dark. Like a haunted Japanese forest in the movies, any minute now a hand will shoot out of the ground and snatch one of us up. I felt a warm hand wrap around my own before I could clasp my hand around his, he took his hand away. He sped his pace up a bit to be in front of me, I watched him as he flashed the light at the trees and the ground to make sure we were walking the right way. Despite the sun being long gone and a long day filled with emotions and getting beat up, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep.

"We finally made it, let's set up a fire."

He suggested and planted the flashlight facing up in the center of the campground. It gave everything a light blue glow and stretched far enough that we could see our hammocks.

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