My tolerance will grow after turning twenty-one (3)

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Daniel's POV

'Good morning sleeping beauty' greets Natasha as she passes me a hot coffee.

'Thank you' I notice the blanket thats been put on me and drink the expresso.

'So you can barely take in alcohol' she remarks stating the obvious.

'My tolerance will grow after turning 21' I defend myself.

'Here's the money you missed out on' she hands it like its nothing while to me it makes a difference between a meal or starving.

'Natasha, you can't pull me out of work just to talk. Most people don't give other people money just for spending time with them' I try as nicely as I can to tell her the truth.

'That was a one time thing. You are going to tutor me instead of working' she orders and I'm stunned she wants to work.

'Okay, I don't mind' I reply and I see her shiver a bit even though its sunny.

'If your dad abuses you, stay at my place' she offers kindly.

'He went missing earlier this week. I'll survive' I tell her honestly.

'Okay. Now get out of my car. I couldn't sleep because of you snoring the entire bloody night' I smile at her and struggle to get out for a bit. Than I head to the car that she gifted me, begrudgingly.


Natasha's POV

I barely study. Cheating in tests is far easier than actually studying. What did I do? Sign myself up to tutoring lessons. Why? Because you want to stay with your friend longer.

*the next day*

I text my address and Daniel comes over and starts teaching me maths.He starts with the subject I hate the most. I stuck it up and actually learn with Daniel teaching me.

*An hour later*

'So? Why did you want to improve your grades?'

'I want to do something other than become a model' I confess not that I'd mind that lifestyle that much.

'You definitely are as tall as one but models need self-restrait' he teases and I throw a cushion at him.

'Fuck you and that's enough for today' I declare and he raises his brows.

'I have to work another seven hours' he reminds me.

'This works under my rules and under my rules you don't decide how long I study for and I'm paying you quadruple because my education is worth more than what you make an a diner' I use my bitch tone and he glares.

'Do you have any regard for decency?' he mocks me annoyed.

'I don't give a fuck' I remind him when my father walks into the living room.

'What's my girl doing with her books open?' he laughs and I glare.

'Hello, Sir, I'm her tutor Daniel' he greets my father with a handshake that goes unreturned.

'This must be a joke but you're too ugly to be her boyfriend' he remarks chuckling. I hate how that is exactly what I thought of Dan weeks ago.

'You're too hideous to be my father and the only joke here is you' I start our fight that'll end in clenched fists and threats.

'You such a hilarious person' he deadpans and kisses my forehead before leaving. I shudder under his affection.

'Of course I cannot break him with anyone as a witness' I growl.

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