Auzura - The Pond

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She was sitting by a pond, in a park, in a small town in Australia. Her blonde hair was pulled over her shoulder as she absentmindedly played with it. She gazed into the pond, looking at her own tired reflection. She studied her image. Her host’s wounds had long since healed, so her face was once again the smooth pale appearance of a twenty year old. Her eyes were blue, but no longer shined as they once had. Her white dress was perfectly reflected in the water. Her host would have said that the dress was one worthy of an angel. It was nice, a v-shaped neckline, and, if she was standing up, it reached her feet. Her feet were bare, rubbing against the dirt and grass along the pond’s edge. If she wasn’t so worn out she might have looked like the human’s poetic descriptions of angels, she thought to herself. But that didn’t matter anymore. He was here.

She knew the moment he arrived. She didn’t react. There was no point. He knew that she knew he was there. They were silent. She didn’t have anything to say. The thing behind her wasn’t the angel she had loved. God, he called himself as he killed her brethren. He killed Raphael as well. Not necessarily a bad thing, but now the world was left without a single archangel. As long as Michael and Lucifer stayed in their cage. She was so tired. The New God had begun killing people now. Humans. Castiel would never have done that. No, Cas was dead. This new creature was insane. But only one creature could fight against him, and he answered to no being. The worlds hope rested on the Winchester Brothers – but they had their own problems. Sam. She wished she could help them, but she didn’t want to bring them to ‘God’s’ attention. Right now he didn’t consider them a threat, but if they had an angel on their side he might go on the defensive and kill them. So she stayed as far away as she could. Australia. But he had found her. She never really had any doubt that he would. He stood there, behind her, watching her. She felt a pang of nostalgia. She barely dared to breathe. She wasn’t sure how long they remained there, waiting. Maybe hours. They may have stayed there forever if it wasn’t for the timely arrival of the sound of laughter across the pond. Auzura glanced up startled to see a little boy walking along the edge of the pond, as his mother pushed a pram, while keeping an eye on her son. Auzura smiled to herself. Her host had often taken her little brother to the park. She had various recollections of his adventurous endeavours, which more often than not ended in some type of scrape. Auzura silently observed the family, momentarily forgetting about the angel-god behind her. She chuckled as the boy ran around with his arms out wide, mimicking an air vehicle. She sensed Castiel…the God creature tense. She shot him a blank look, and instantly wished she hadn’t. He looked just as he used to- the same serious expression, the same host, even the same trench coat. She felt her heart throb. She had hoped he would look different – more evil somehow. It would have been easier. But he was the same angel she always knew. The one who fought by her side, against Lucifer, then again against Raphael. But it was a lie. Castiel was dead. 

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