Chapter Four

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Keith' POV:

    During my doze I was surrounded by an incredible warmth that comforted my entire body. I was so relaxed, I slept in for a lot longer then usual.

   Finally, I opened my eyes. The harsh white lines of light were barely visible with the dark lighting of the room. I was cozy, it was dark, I should go back to sleep.

   But suddenly I realized why it felt so comfortable. My room gives off a harsher red light when it's time to wake up, and this room was black.

   This isn't my room.

   Then the warmth. I felt my body surrounded by a tight sensation, hugging me close. I looked down to see a muscular arm, and a muscular robotic arm.

   Robotic arm..?

   My eyes widened when I realized (and remembered) who it was.


    I held my breath and dared myself to look up at him. My breathing hitched when I saw his handsome, sleeping face.

   His chest rose and fell against mine, his breathing heavy and soft. His breaths were subtly noisy, a soft snore escaping his mouth. His hair laid messily around his face and his scar was manly; handsomely.

    I put my hand out to feel his chest and almost yelped when I realized he was naked. My cheeks flushed red when I felt rock-hard abs. They were so ripped and crisp, my dream chest for myself. I ran a finger gingerly up his abs, up his chest and onto his pecs.

   Shiro groaned a little in his sleep and I froze. But after his eyes remained closed, I continued. I followed one of the pecs to his shoulder blade, and down onto his human arm. I breathed in a little bit, it was huge.

    After he still didn't budge, I played with his white hair a little. I moved it around in his face, giggling a bit when I made his hair floofy then usual. Then, a curious hand went back to his abs, and before I knew it, my hand began to travel down.

    When I finally felt him, he was even more giant then I imagined, and I squeaked a little, taking my hand away. My face heated up and I held my hand close.

   Holy shit... I thought to myself. Ah well. I'll just keep playing with his hair~

   I moved my hand up and looked up to Shiro's floof to find that his eyes WERE OPEN.

   His eyes twinkled in amusement and his cheeks were a new rosy color. His mouth was curved into an adorable smirk. "Excited already? You seem to be trying to seduce me in my sleep~" he teased.

    My face immediately turned 50 shades darker and I tried to push away from him. "What?! No!! That's not what I-" I kept trying to push away, but I felt Shiro's grip tighten. "Shiroooo..!" I whined as he held me in the midst of my total embarrassment.

     Shiro laughed. It was so adorable, and so pure. But it was still at me. So I hit him playfully. "S-Shut up..." I looked away, pouting.

    Then Shiro put his hand under my chin, gently lifting my head to him. "Even when you pout you're adorable~" he said in a singsong tone. He kissed the top of my head before landing another on my lips. It was a passionate kiss before he got up.

    I propped myself up on the bed as I watched him put on his clothes. He turned around and turned red in his boxers when he realized I had been watching. I blushed, put on my own boxers, then got up. I wrapped my arms around Shiro's chest and hugged him. He murmured in agreement and moved his hips a little to give me a little action.

    He put on his shirt then finished getting ready. He handed me my clothes and chuckled a little. "We'd best get to lunch. We slept through breakfast." I nodded, my cheeks still pink as I continued to put my clothes on.

Shiro's POV:

     I held the door open for Keith and he graciously accepted. I put my hand on his hip, drawing him in for a final kiss before we faced the crowd. He accepted, but broke off quickly.

    "Not in public..." Keith whispered.

    I frowned a bit, realizing Keith wasn't too sure about us, atleast not enough to say anything. But, neither was I. After all, I was basically his mentor for years. I don't understand how he could see me anymore then that. But last night he... we...

    I bit my lip. What happened last night could not be stopped anymore. It happened, and now it's over. As much as I hate to admit it, it's probably not going to be much after Keith gets his meds.

    But I still can't get over the fact he's an Omega. I knew he wasn't an Alpha, and pretended to be, but I thought he was a Beta.

    But the heat in his eyes and the desperation in his body... I bit my lip, feeling my pants tighten a bit. This is not the time for dirty thoughts, Shiro. Be the mature one.

    When we got to the dining room, everyone was waiting. I swiftly got to my seat. "Sorry everybody, I slept in a little and Keith came to wake me up." I lied.

   Keith looked relieved, almost like he was scared I'd just up and say,

  "I had sex with Keith Kogane!"

   Who does he take me for?? He should know I wouldn't say stuff like that.

   Everyone bought my excuses and went on with business as normal. I talked about our new lesson plan, and about each other. Me and Keith often zoned off in each other, and I had to snap myself out of it. But otherwise, it was all the same.

   Nothing will change.

   Atleast, that's what I thought.

   Boy was I wrong.

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