Chapter Five

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Shiro's POV:

The next few weeks grew on with an impatient suspense. Keith had been quick to push me away, not allowing any contact of any sort, even when I caught him at a good time, even when we were alone!

I was a bit upset, but honestly I knew this would happen. What happened that night...was only a fluke of our senses getting the best of us. In reality, we both know that Voltron has to come first; There was no time for a side relationship. Not with Zarkon so close on our trail.

I also know that Keith doesn't think much more of me then a mentor. I never really thought about him as more then a brother before he saved me. But waking up in his little cabin, an entire year with the Galra after any relaxation or eye candy, there he was. His handsome face was the first thing I ever woke up to; leaving my nightmare and stepping into this crazy dream.

Whatever the case, Keith was back to his usual self. His suppressants must have come in...

As usual, I watched Keith as he ate his breakfast. Then, I snapped out of it and turned my gaze in a different direction. I bit my lip, keeping my line of sight away from Keith.

I have to be the mature one here. My team is counting on me! I reminded myself.

"Alright team! I finally finished the regime for the next month." I laid out my written plans on the table. "Like I said a few weeks ago, this month we are going to train by bonding better with our Lions. The bond and understanding of your Lion is the key essential for Voltron."

    As I began explaining, I swiped the room with a swift gaze.

    Lance is bored...right he'll regret not listening later. Let's see, Pidge is a little too interested in her game, but she catches on quick. Keith looks a little green. Hunk is busy eating his-

     Wait..! My eyes widened. I stopped talking and quickly swerved my gaze back to Keith.

   Keith was ghostly pale, green rushing to his face. His dark eyes were clouded in pain, and his palms were shaking. He was clenching his mouth shut, one hand on his belly.

    "...Keith? Are you feeling okay?" Stupid me, of course he isn't! He's whiter then my hair! "You don't look too good..."

    Keith met my gaze with sickly eyes. He shook his head as if to dismiss the issue, and immediately regretted his decision to move. His eyes widened and a hand quickly clasped up to his mouth. He shot up out of his chair, then desperately dashed away to the restroom next door.

    I shot up immediately. "Keith!!"

    Everyone was frozen for a second. I used my quick thinking to jump in.

    "Everyone, keep reviewing the regime. I'm going to check on Keith," With that, I dashed out of the dining room.

   I quickly sped into the bathroom only to find Keith kneeling over the toilet. He was throwing up like there was no tomorrow.

    I quickly kneeled down beside him, rubbing his back for comfort. I felt my Alpha senses fighting me, begging to hold Keith until he felt better.

    But I have to be the mature one. I cannot step out of line here, especially as leader. As per usual, I won over my Alpha senses and resorted to waiting patiently.

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