Chapter Six

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    Denial. Fucking denial. That's all I feel.

    I'm not pregnant. I'm not fucking pregnant! If I were, I'd ruin everything!

    I'm not pregnant!!!

    I engraved those thoughts into my brain, convincing myself that it was the truth.

    But the evidence became louder and harder to bear. My sickness got more violent, my need for suppressants diminished, food cravings began and worst of all; Emotional break downs.

    The first breakdown I had was with Pidge, when she was trying to show me a simple coding trick. I couldn't figure it out and just started bawling.

   Then, I had a breakdown when Shiro threw out the bad leftovers Coran had made. I hated them as much as everyone else, but I needed them.

   "Keith, those went bad days ago. Who knows what it would've done to your body!" Shiro sighed exasperatedly, still not believing I was actually wanting them.

    "I wanted those fucking leftovers, dammit!! I can't believe you would..." a very upset expression rested on my face, my frown deepening.

   "What's your problem, Keith?? Even you hated them..! It's not my fault I'm trying to look out for my teammates safety!!" He shot back. Now he was getting annoyed, and confused.

   "FUCK YOU!!" I flipped him off. I had no way to tell him about these food cravings without him figuring it out.

   Shiro's eyes widened in disbelief, and then disgust. "Why the FUCK are you flipping off me?! I'm your damn leader!! Do you know how fucking immature you look right now?!"

   My eyes widened, and my confidence dropped. Shiro never cussed this much. He was angry...angry at me! God damn it, I screw everything up!

   My eyes watered, and I felt my lip quiver. I started breathing fast to stall my breakdown, and ran out.

   "I hate you..!" I yelled as I dashed out, to my room and locking myself inside. There I cried until my eyes got irritatingly dry.

Shiro's POV:

    When Keith finally dashed out, I thought two things; "Good riddance!" and "What the hell..?"

   I know I lost my temper. I know I made him upset because of that. But excuse me for trying to make sure none of my teammates die on me! That shit was gross, and it needed a disposal.

   I didn't know either. If I had known Keith wanted it so bad, I wouldn't of thro- actually, no. I still would've thrown it out. That was nasty.

   But Keith's behavior lately has been really confusing. Earlier in the week, Pidge came to me about an incident where Keith started sobbing in front of her. Then Lance reported that he was beating Keith in the training field-which is totally odd. Even Hunk reported finding Keith sneaking into the fridge to grab midnight snacks on multiple occasions. Something's not right...

    I sighed, and went into the fridge to have my own snack. Then, after a few hours of thinking, finally went to Keith's door to apologize.

   I inhaled deeply before knocking. "Keith? I need to talk to you."



   "Keith, cmon. I need to apologize to you." I said, more desperately.

   Finally, the door opened a crack.

   Keith was standing before me, his hair messy and his eyes red. He looked miserable, and really lonely.

   I gasped a little and felt my Alpha sense take over a bit. "Were you crying..?" My hand cupped his cheek, my anger leaving me.

   His eyes widened a bit at my worry, and he shook his head out of my hand.

   Still angry.

   "Look," I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier. It was unprofessional, and downright rude."

   Keith looked at me, his anger melting away. But to my surprise, a sadness filled the new gap. "I'm sorry Shiro..."

   "It's okay, but there's one more thing I need to talk about." I leaned against the doorway, ready to listen.

    "What's going on?"

   Keith looked taken aback by the question. The sheer surprise on his face told me he infact was hiding something, and did not expect me to catch on.

    But to my surprise, he stayed quiet. "N-Nothing's wrong." He whispered quietly.

   I got closer to his face. "Bullshit, Keith. Something's bothering you, and we all see it. Tell me what's going on." I demanded.

   "I'm sorry, Shiro." He avoided my eye contact.

   That was when my blood boiled. "I can't believe you are so blatantly lying to me!" I raised my voice, loosing control again. "I'm your leader Keith-heck I thought I was your lover. But apparently not! I can't believe you don't trust me..!" The last words were said with desperation. What the hell is on his mind?!

   Keith said nothing.

    "You know what?! Fine. Keep your secrets. Just make sure it doesn't affect you in battle. I don't even care anymore." A lie. I did care. But I was so upset, I couldn't control my anger.

    And with that, I walked away.

    Keith started crying again, but he shut me out.

    He built the wall. He's gonna have to tear it down if he wants me to come back.

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