And to Eat We Go

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Jimin POV

"HYUNG, we are going out to Marellas favorite place to eat, meet you in 30!" Wait what. "Wait, stay here she's getting......." And they already left. I feel a tug on my shirt. "Jimin oppa? Where did the two go?" I think and think but I can't seem to know. "They said your favorite restaraunt." Her eyes widen. She starts to squeel. "They are going THERE? Yay, I havnt eaten that since I moved to Korea. Just to warn you. Their staff is Spanish but lucky for you, I am Hispanic, and can speak the language fluently." She looks so happy. She seems to love the place we are going. "She can be released now! Yay~." Hobi hyung says then hugs Mars. "Now let's go to Latin American Grill!" She says exitedly. Joe wheels her out, happy to be out of the hospital. "Joe?""Yes?" Would it be to much to ask you to come back to Korea with us, she seems happy with you. Of course well give you a place to stay and you'll go to school with her. Your kind of like our 8th member combined. You, Ana, and Mars all have talent, creating one person." His eyes widen in excitement. "Of course, I will have to learn Korean but academically, I'll do fine. I'll dance in Mars' stead." He smiles. We all hear an all to familiar voice. A voice we all hate. "MARELLA, YOUR IN BIG TROUBLE."

Marella's POV

         That chilling voice. The voice I despise so much. My father's voice. I see a figure behind him and it's one of my younger cousins, Zaza. "You are in trouble, your coming home, whether you like it or not." I've seen that glare, he's going to do something to Zaza. "How dare you, you have no right. Zaza isn't even your biological son. I will get him back and give him back to his loving father, unlike you." I spat. Joe stands in front of me, blocking him from my view. "Mars, I'm scared, help." He whimpers. "Dont worry, I'll get you out some how." I look at Namjoon oppa, taking a defensive stance. He is very calm and probably has a plan under way. "Gather." He states. We go to him and tells us that there's another child behind my father. I squint to see the youngest, Liliana. Oh no, he's threatening me with children who havent even turned 10. "Wheel me over there with Joe at full speed. I'll grab both of them then our two strongest, Jimin and Namjoon, Will pin him. Jin you call security. Hobi, start screaming help, with your loud voice, somebody will defenently come. And Suga oppa...." I think of what he should do. "You should record. You send it to the fan base, then you will show this to the authorities." They are all surprised looking at me with dumbfounded faces. "Good?" They nod and I tell Joe to just start running and wheeling straight ahead. "Won't that be dangerous?" "Just do it." "But-" "Just do it!" He starts running. A ma
n recording, I grab both of the children, my father trying to grab me but Joe swerving the chair. When Hobi oppa screams, Jimin and Namjoon oppa come up, strangling the man. "Dang, he's a tough one isn't he Jiminie?" Namjoon oppa asks. "Yup! We have to protect the munchkin!" They were finally able to sustain him. Jin Oppa coming with the authorities. Namjoon oppa, supervising the whole thing. "That's the man." Namjoon oppa states. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you in court." They say and they take him away. I look at the two crying children, terrified and afraid they were. "How about you two come with me to eat. You must be starving." They nod and we head of to the restaurant.

Jungkook's POV

           We got to the restaurant. "Excuse me, we would like a table for 10." She looks surprised but nods. Workers set up the table and we sit down waiting for everyone to arrive. Once they have arrived, I notice two other children there, clutching onto Mars. "Marella, is that you!?" "Sweetie we missed you." Why are there a lot of men surrounding you." "Where have you been." "Ok ok enough questions and let me explain." She explains how she went to Korea and how we are her brothers now. She works for our company as a backup singer. "Oh, ok." They respond and we sit down. "Is like to introduce you all to my cousins." She points at the boy. "He's Mexican." And then she points at the girl. "She's Dominican, like me." She says. "Guys, those are my brothers, RM, Jin, Suga, J-hope, Jimin, V, And Jungkook. Ask them anything you want. They are family." She boops their noses. Joe sits beside Mars, having a convo with the younger kids and making funny faces. "Are you ready to order?" Says a waitress. "Yes we are. What would you too want." They whisper it in her ear. "Three of my regulars." Then she asks us all the question and we respond with a simple answer. "Orders will be right up." She walks away, and Mars cheerful personality is gone. "How did you two end up with him, you know I told you to never go around that area of Manhattan." She says sternly. I hadn't really learned Spanish so I only caught a few words but Namjoon, Hoesoek, and Jin hyung seem to know what is going on. "We wanted to go back to the park and I guess he saw us. We should have never left the house. He didn't even feed us." Everyone who understand has either tears or is clenching their fist. "That man is going to pay, but after we eat." She says and they deliver our food. It's quite good. It's welbalanced and is good for our health. I swear, I'll make that man pay for what he did that day in the hospital.
There you go, there should be two more America chapters before we they go back. Song of the day is

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