Exo being Exo

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Namjoon POV

"Well....we will be going to Japan.... without you." She looks at me like she expected this to happen. "Ok, that's what I expected. It's a bit hard for me to travel anyway." She looks at her legs and then smiles up at me. "Where am I going to stay. Is Ana and Joe coming with you?" She asks. "Well, I would like you to stay with Exo while all of us are there. We'll take Ana and Joe and call you at the fan meeting." I tell her. "I'll start packing then. Have you told them yet?" "Yes I have." Cool cool. She taking this very well. Other children would throw a fit but she seems okay. "Is that all Oppa?" "Yes, also here are your pills. Celcept, right?" She smiles and nods. She takes them out of my hand, opens the bag, opens the bottle, and takes out the pill. "Yup, the correct order. Thankyou oppa for taking me in. I should consider physical therapy so I can see if I could ever walk again." She smiles so much that she appears to have all types of smiles in one. A bunny like Jungkook but a gummy like Yoongi Hyung. Boxy like Tae but could be windshield whisper if she wanted to like Jin. Jimin smiley eyes and Hobi's bubbly personality. Lastly, my DIMPLES. That's her smile, bright as the sun but hides secrets that not even I don't know. "I'm going to pack then come right back." She says and wheels of.

Leaving Day~

Jimin POV

Today is the day we leave and leave Mars with somebody else. She has her luggage, ready to go. Currently, she's talking with Suga Hyung, both coming from an unsupportive family, they seem to get along just fine. "Jimin oppa,you alright? You seem a bit tired." She asks with a concerning look. "I'm fine little planet. Just curious as to who you are staying wi-" "Hello guys, Ana and Mars." A guy says coming closer to me. The closer he gets,the more cautious I get. I stand in front of her but she smiles sweetly at the strangers. I look over at Namjoon Hyung and he seems to know who this person is. "Hi Suho oppa, how has your day been?" She says cheerfully. "Very good,the others are exited to see you. Would you like to come to an orphanage later?" She looks over at me with pleading eyes. "Sure?" "Yay!" I look at her cautiously then I suddenly remember who this person is. "He's one of Exo's boys Tae." "You just figured that out, it's obvious Jimin Hyung." He looks at me with a confused yet amused look. I look away in embarrassment. "C'mon Tae, you have no right to judge." "True, but at least I noticed." He smirks. There's no arguing with him and Mars. They ALWAYS know how to win. "Bye Oppas, Joe, and Ana. See each Other in a week." She waves and hugs us. "Bye Mars, we'll call everyday and at the fan meet." We exclaim. She is wheeled of, I wonder if she will be fine and she dosent get separation anxiety like she said she used to.

Marella's POV

I was loaded into the car, and we drove of. I didn't notice that Kai was behind me and he screamed in my ear. This caused me to look at him like 'wtf you doin mate' he kind chuckles nervously. Suho got in the car and introduced me to him. "Mars, that's Kai. By the look on your face, he tried to scare you didn't he?" "Yup." I looked at him and gave him a smile. When we got there I was unloaded by Kai. "You and I are gonna be good friends my good sir." He chuckles. When we get inside, the others swarm us. "Your back, where did you go?" Chen asks. He looks at me then bright up like Tae. "OH MY GOD, WHY IS SHE HERE. OH, SHE'S SO PRECIOUS." I look at him with confusion. "Ma boi, you too hyper. Slow it down please." I tell him. What I forgot,was that we are in Korea and we are supposed to speak Korean I guess so he just looked at me as if I'm weird. "OH sorry, I have a bad habit of switching one language to another, i need to fix th habit." Suddenly I get a call. "Hello." "Mars~ how are you?" "Hobi oppa? Is that you?" "The one and only, how are you, are you good, are they treating you nicely, have you eaten?" "I'm fine, I'm good and they are great. I haven't eaten but I'm not hungry anyways." "Well, I'll call later, okay?" "HAI!" "Bye" "Bye" I end the call and they are all looking at me like I killed their cat. "Am I too weird for you guys? It's okay, I'm used to hearing that." "No, it's that your crying." I touch my face and find that I am crying. "OH NO, this can't happen now. I don't wanna cry right now. Why do I have to cry now. I see a black spots than everything goes dark.

Suho POV

         She faints suddenly and I'm quick to grab her phone and call Suga. "Hello, I thought Hobi cal-" "SHE FAINTED AGAIN. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO." He sighs and tells me what to do. He tells me to look in her bag for a pill box. "Got it, now make her drink it?" "Yup" I grab some water and make her drink it. "She should wake up in a few. Call when she wakes up." "Okay." Xiumin decides to stay with her while she's waking up.

Few minutes later

"Guys, she's awake!" He yells. We enter the room to find her opening her eyes. "Did I start to cry again?" I nod and then she widens her eyes. "I can feel my legs. I can feel my LEGS!"
WOW I'm amazed at how great I'm doing because my writing test scores don't show it. Also~ got the ANSWER album today. Anyway, song of the day

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