The School life

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Jungkook's POV
           Today is the day that we take Marella to school for her actual first day. The best part is that she will be going to my old middle school so I'll be staying with her for the first day to visit the school. We also have a translator just in case she needs one. She has been learning to speak Korean and she's a natural. "I'm ready." She yells. She has her school uniform on. Mine actually still fits me, so I'll wear it.


         I have my old school uniform. It's quite nastolgic in a way. I'll blend in like this. "JK, why do you have that on, your staying with me? If you are than I won't be lonely. YAY!" She has also been teaching us English, and she is really good at teaching. She has taught us the rules of reading and writing and how to pronounce the words. "Let's go." I say and we walk there with the translator.

Marella's POV

        We are currently on our way to the school and I'm quite exited. American schools are roudy, well public schools, Charters are a little weird with their rules, and I don't know about privates. JK is also going to introduce me to a few teachers so I'm happy. Oh look we are already at the gates of the school. We walk in and there are a lot of stares, well mostly at JK, I'm just here. He looks used to it, and there are a lot of fangirls cheering. I'm actually terrified, but soon enough, he pats my head to tell me it's ok. I smile back and say thank you. Now he is talking to a teacher then introduces me. "This is Marella, she is a kind person with a bubbly personality." He says then I wave at the teacher. He seems to like me already. "I will also be accompanying her for today, she is quite nervous." He chuckles. Thanks JK for embarrassing me.

           "Look, it's Mars, I haven't seen her since elementary school." I know that voice. "Gen? Is that you?" I turn around to find her there, smiling at me. "You've grown so much, Mars." Soon enough, JK comes to give me my schedule "Mars, who are you talking to?" Then he looks at Gen. "Ah......Pardon?" "PFTHAHAHAHAH HE SAID PARDON LIKE OMG THAT WILL NEVER GET OLD." I look at Gen and she's is literally dying of laughter. That was pretty funny. "Nice to see you too Gen." I said. She was always full of energy. I don't know how she does it. "Gen, this is my brother that I never had, Jeon Jungkook. I'm living with him and the rest of the boys back at were they live." I said in a whisper,I don't want fangirls around me yelling at how horrible I am.

         She looked at me...
         Then looked at him.....
          Then started rambling in korean, and I don't really know Korean yet so I just walked away. "Hey JK, we should just walk away for now and get to class, well my class." Then we walked away.

J-hope' s POV

        I have to wait here to pick up Mars, Jungkook, and the translator. In the mean time I'll rap daydream.

        I finished and to see the whole school staring at me with Jungkook looking at me with a smile and Mars is running towards me. I bend down and greet her. "Hello Mars, how was your first day?" "Good, do you feel better?" "Yes I do, now let's go." As soon as we were about to go, someone called her "MARS!" She turns around and her eyes widen "Juan, your here with Gen?" She walks towards this boy and hugs him. "How are you doing Juan, all is good?" "Its great, your voice is just as nice as in when you were in elementary school." "Thanks, got to go, but I'll speak to you later, don't want to worry the boys, see ya." "Bye." And she walks towards us and we head off.


          We arrived to the house and we were greeted by Namjoon. "How was your day Mars?Jungkook?" "Good" They both said. They laughed. I sat down and soon enough Taehyung came over to sit with me.
There you go, chapter 3 next will be special and I might post 5 next week because I'm going to England so YAY, anyway, song of the day

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