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The team sat in the dining room, eating their goo. Well, everyone minus one: Lance

He was late once again.

"He should get here soon," Alurra said. "Or else he'll miss breakfast."

"And as you earthlings say, It's the most important meal of the day!" Corran smiled.

"It is," Shiro said. "Where is he?"

Just then, the doors opened. The team braced themself for a loud entrance full of smirks and jokes.

But they were greeted to silence.

They looked up at Lance, who is silent.

He's sweating, hard. Lance walked over to the fruit bowl, and picked up a purple looking fruit, then walks to the door.

"Lance, aren't you gonna have a full breakfast?" Hunk asked.

Lance shook his head, and walked out again.

Keith was slightly smiling. "At least he's being quiet for once.

The rest chuckled, and continued to talk.

But Lance was right outside. And he heard every bit of what keith said. It hurt.

How could they just say that about him? He had been everything he could to becoming more like Keith: Polite-ish, silent, and skilled. But they still thought of him as the goofball!

What did he have to do to earn some respect?!

Lance waked into the training room, munching on a purple fruit. He finished eating and took a fighting stance.

"Start training level 21!" he said to the room's computar.

"Starting level 21," the computer responded.

Five bots dropped down from the ceiling and charged at him. Lance's bayard turned into a gun. He shot at two, and they fell to the ground. One of the bots snuck up from behind him and knocked him to the floor.

His bayard flew from his hand and he had to result to hand-to-hand combat. He had been practicing that recently. He punched the robot, blood coming from his bare hands. The robot kicked him in the gut. Lance flew across the room, breathing hard. He launched himself at the robot, and ripped out it's wires. The bot fell to the ground, defeated.

Lance ran over to his bayard, and it formed a sword before the last bot could get to him. The bot launched its own sword at Lance. Lance blocked it, and sliced it in half. He froze for a moment, before hearing it fall it the ground in two pieces.

Lance fell to the ground, breathing hard. He couldn't seem to catch his breath.

C'mon Lance, he thought. You shouldn't be this tired.

Lance stood up and walked to the infirmary to get bandages for his hands.

Lance walked into the infirmary to see Corran cleaning the pods.

"Hello Lance!" Corran smiled. How are you-Quiznack! What happened to your hand?!" he gasped.

Lance shrugged, and continued to bandage his hands.

"My boy, you've gotten...quieter." Corran said. He put a hand on lance's shoulder. "Is everything OK?"

Lance nodded.

But everything was not OK.


Lance walked into his room. He went into the bathroom and lifted off his shirt. His torso was littered with scars. Most were from battle, but there were a few made by himself. Ever since a few days ago, he had been cutting. A cut for every mean thing they would say to him.

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