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After around two days the four finally found Lotor's ship.

"Alright, here's the plan:" Lance said through the coms. "Me and Hunk will be distracting Lotor, while Pidge and Matt go in and rescue Alurra, Shiro, and Keith. Corran, look after the castle."

"Simple enough," Hunk said. "We're gonna die though with only two lions out here."

"Not with White," Lance said. "She's fast, has incredibly thick armor, and has the powers of all the lions combined. She really is amazing."

"Alright, let's go!" Pidge and Matt cheered.


Team Voltron, or what was left of it, approached Lotor's ship.

"Team Voltron!" Lotor appeared on lance's and Hunk's screens. "When did you get a White Lion?"

"Lotor, give us back the rest of the team." Lance demanded.

"Ah! So you learned of my little spies. About time!" Lotor laughed.

"Give us back our friends!" Huk shouted.

"You'll have to fight for them. I'm not giving them up too easily." Lotor laughed

Thousands of fighter drones flew out, and started to attack. But while they fought, Pidge and Matt snuck under the ship.

"Alright, where are we headed Pidge?" Matt asked.

"They're just down this hall and two lefts!" Pidge said.

The two made their way down the hall, but ran into three guards. Pidge wiped them, and two of them fell the the ground. Matt shot the last one with his gun he had from the rebels.

They kept having to fight though guards, until finally they made it to the cells.

"They should be!" Pideg looked up at cell 23

Pidge opened up the cell, and inside were Shiro and Alurra!

"Pidge! Matt!" Shiro and Alurra gasped.

The four hugged---Wait. Four?!

"Where's Keith?!" Pidge gasped.

"He was taken to fight in the arena when we first got here," Shiro said.

"We haven't seen him since," ALurra said. "We don't even know if he's alive."

"Matt, get them to the Blue Lion. I'll go get Keith." Pidge said.

"Wait, Matt's in Blue? What happened to Lance?!" Alurra asked.

"No time to explain!" Matt said. "Just follow me!"


Pidge arrived at a large door. Inside, screaming could be heard. She snuck inside, and saw rows upon rows of Galra, in a large stadium. Below was an arena. In the arena was a large lizard-alien fighting a smaller figure...

"Keith..." Pidge whispered to herself.

Pidge used her jetpack to fly to the top and look down at Keith.

The lizard swung at Keith with a club and keith rolled under it and stabbed the lizard with a spear. The lizard cried out in pain, hit Keith with the club. Keith flew across the arena, and hit the wall. A loud crack could be heard.

Pudge had seen enough. She flew down and picked up Keith.

"P-Pidge?" Keith breathed. "Is that you?"

"It's me," Pidge lifted him up. "C'mon, we're getting out of here!"

She lifted him and blasted out of the room.

The two ran into the green lion.

"How long have we been gone?" Keith asked as they blasted off.

"Around...three months." Pudge said.

"THREE MONTHS?!" Keith gasped. "Are Alurra and Shiro OK?!"

"Their OK. They got out with Matt."

As they flew back to the castle, they passed Lance in the White Lion.

"What is that?!" Keith gasped.

"That's the White Lion. It's a long story. We'll fill you in later!"

"Everyone!" Corran called through the coms. "We have everyone! Let's get out of here!"


Lance walked into the lounge, where Shiro, Alurra, Keith, and everyone else was. It takes him awhile to land his lion due to its size.

"Lance!" Shiro, Alurra, and Keith ran to him.

Lance backed away. "Please don't hurt me!" he cried.

"What?" Alurra stopped.

"Why would we hurt you?" Shiro asked.

"Are you OK?" Keith asked.

Lance stood up. "Y-yeah," he rubbed his neck. "I'm going to my room. Glad your back!" he smiled weakly, and left.


"What was that about?" Keith asked.

"Why did he think we would hurt him?" Shiro asked.

Pidge and Hunk looked at eachother.

"While you were gone, you had been replaced by imposter Galras." Hunk said.

"And those imposters, weren't too kind to Lance." Pidge said.

"For around 3 months Lance would come to me telling me how worthless he felt." Corran said.

"You even kicked him off the team." Pidge sighed.

"WHAT?!" The three shouted.

"He took one last ride in Blue, and found he White Lion. Apparently King Alfor made in case of emergencies." Matt said.

"When he came back, you tried to take that from him too. So me and Pidge decided if he couldn't be on the team, neither could we." Hunk said.

"We tried to leave, but you tied us up and poisoned Corran." Pidge said.

"Luckily, Lance killed the imposters, and we rescued you" Matt finished.

Alurra, Shiro, and Keith were speechless.

"He must hate us..." Alurra was in tears.

"He doesn't hate us," Shiro sighed. "He's scared of us..."

"That's even worse!" Keith grunted.

"Look, it's gonna take a while for him to adjust to you," Pidge said.

"We understand Pidge." Shiro said. "We'll do our best."


Lance walked into the dining room, to see everyone already there.

"Lance?" Alurra called.

"Yes?" Lance asked.

"I just...wanted to apologize for what my imposter might have said to you."

"Us too," Shiro and Keith said.

"Thanks," Lance smiled.

Alurra stood up. "Lance, may I hug you?"

"Um, sure." Lance said.

Alurra hugged him tightly, and after a while Lance hugged back.

It would take some adjusting, but after a while, they would become a family once again.


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