4: New Home

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A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg even though they know you are slightly cracked. 

Austin told the construction company he works for that he would transfer to California, halfway across the world. I told Niall about what was happening and that Austin was leaving. He insisted that I move in with him and the boys because he didn't want me to be alone all the time (even though I have Claire). I agreed in the end.

I have to try not to take advantage of Niall or the rest of the boys. I love them because they're caring and nice and great with Claire. I don't love them because they're offering me a free place to live.

Niall and I agreed to tell the boys that my parents and my brother were moving to California and leaving Claire and I behind. It's not the most fool proof story, but it will do for a short while. We told Claire not to say anything either. I'm sure I'll end up telling the rest of the boys the real story once I get closer to them. I would feel bad living in their home and lying the entire time. I just don't feel comfortable telling something so...personal...to them yet.

During that phone call to Niall I actually learned a lot about him. We went back and forth asking quickfire questions. It was fun just learning useless information about each other. 

"I'll miss you," Austin says as I practically strangle him in a hug. "Stay safe."

"I will. You be safe in Cali too. Call me if there's a problem."

He nods "And Lex, be careful. You're in a house full of boys. You don't know what could happen," he says, giving me a stern look.

"Austin, I'll be fine. I can handle myself," I say smiling and rolling my eyes. "Don't give up," I remind him. He smiles down at me.

"I know. Love you sis. Stay strong. Be smart. Don't give up." He hugs me one last time before saying goodbye to Claire and running to catch his flight.

Don't give up. It's something that Austin and I remind each other of a lot.

I watch as he disappears through the gate, a sad smile on my face. I love my brother. He's always been there for me and has always been so responsible. Now he's across the world. I sigh and take Claire's hand. We walk back to the car. I text Niall.

Me: Just leaving the airport. What time will you pick me up?

Nialler: Be ready by around 4. The lads and I will come by.

I smile and drive home with the radio on. Call Me Maybe plays as I quietly sing along and Claire dances in the backseat. I laugh at her adorable moves as we pull up to the house.

"Are you all packed up?" I ask her. She nods her head. "Go grab all your things and put them by the door so you're ready when the boys all get here." She smiles and obediently goes to her room to grab her stuff. I look around our empty house.

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