22: He Promised

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To love someone means to give them the power to destroy you and to trust that they will not. 

"WAKE UP!" Liam calls, banging on the door of our hotel room. 

"Go away," I yell back in a sleepy voice. Niall makes no effort to move. Liam opens the door and walks in. 

"Get outta bed, lazy bums." 

"No," I groan. Niall throws a pillow and hits him in the head. I smile. It surprised me because I didn't know he was actually awake. 

"That hurt," Liam mumbles.

"Too bad. Get out," I order. 

"LOUIS THEY WON'T WAKE UP!" he yells down the hallway. I hear Louis sigh. The next thing I know Louis and Claire are both bouncing on the bed laughing. I sigh and roll over, opening my eyes. 

"I'm up," I say, defeated. 

"I'm not," Niall groans. I giggle. Louis frowns at him and lightly kicks his side. "Louis get out or I'll shave your head." I laugh. 

"Psh fine," Louis says, hopping off the bed. "Just be up in the next ten minutes. We need to leave for our next tour stop." He leaves with Claire and I turn my attention to Niall. 



"You need to get up," I say in a sweet voice. 

"Mmm....no thanks."

I giggle and roll my eyes at his response. He turns over and pulls the covers up closer. I lean down and kiss his lips. He kisses me back. I pull away and smile at him. He was wide awake now. He sits up and kisses me again. I smile and pull away, giving him a stern look. 

"We have to get ready."

He pouts and I chuckle, moving to get out of bed. His arm was around my waist though, and he pulled me back into his lap. I look up at him smiling.

"Can I help you?" I ask.


"Niall, we have to pack up our th-" I was cut off by another kiss. I giggle against his lips. 

"You said I could kiss you whenever I wanted for no apparent reason. Remember that deal last night?" he says with a smirk. He leaned down to kiss me again but I put my hand up to stop him. 

"Do you remember the other side of the deal? I won our game. You're my slave today and I order you to get your butt out of bed and go brush your teeth before you kiss me again," I say, smiling at him. He rolls his eyes playfully before letting me go and getting up to brush his teeth. 

While I prepare for the day I think of what I'll have Niall do. My slave for a day. I could have some fun with that. 


"You're kidding."

"Nope," I say, shaking my head and grinning. He looks at my feet in his lap and rolls his eyes. I wiggle my toes, still smiling.

"I can't believe I lost our game," Niall mumbles as he gives me a foot massage. I smile and relax on the tour bus as he mumbles curse words that I couldn’t understand. 

"I order you to stop complaining," I say giggling. He rolls his eyes again but doesn't say anything else. 

"I have to admit this is quite entertaining," Harry comments. All the boys were smirking as I bossed Niall around. 

"She's got you whipped!" Louis laughs. Niall glares at them. I giggle and hug Niall's arm, leaning my head on his shoulder. 

"He's not whipped. He just lost a bet," I say, winking. Niall smiles down at me. 

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