33: I Love You Niall

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Falling in love is like jumping off a really tall building. Your brain tells you it's not a good idea, but your heart tells you, you can fly.

"LEXI WAKE UP! IT'S TIME TO GET UP NOW! COME ON LEXI BOO!" Claire jumps up and down on my bed. I groan, but eventually open my eyes. 

"Okay. I'm up, I'm up. What is it?" I ask smiling. I turn to see Austin leaning against the door frame of my bedroom. He was smirking at me, and Claire was grinning. "What is going on?" I ask, confused. 

"No time to explain. Get dressed. I was told to tell you to wear a thicker coat this time." He winks and walks out. A smile spreads across my face.


"Come on Lexi!" Claire yells. I giggle. 

"Okay, okay!" 

I shower and wash my face. After standing in front of my closet for a long time trying to decide what to wear, I finally pick out dark skinny jeans, a black top, and black high heeled boots. I leave my hair in its curls and put on clear lip gloss. I add some mascara and my necklace, of course. I grab a somewhat thick coat, but not something bulky. It was white and fuzzy. I added a lavender colored scarf around my neck and pulled on some black gloves. When I finally decided I was ready I walked out to the living room. 

"Okay I'm ready. What is going on now?" I ask Austin who was grinning at me. He turned his attention to his phone. "Tell me!" I yell running over to him and trying to peek at his phone. He hid the screen from me and put his foot up to block me. "You're mean," I say, crossing my arms. He doesn't say anything. Instead he hands me a folded up piece of paper. I stare at it, and then give him a weird look. 

"Open it," he orders, getting up and walking into his room. He closed the door behind him. This is strange.

I unfold the note and examine it. It was a map. I couldn't tell where it led to but something about it seemed familiar. 

Not knowing what else to do, I took the note and left my apartment building, walking to my car. There's only one explanation for all of this, and that is Niall. I don't know what he's planning, but I guess I'm about to find out. I hop in the driver’s seat and follow the directions written on the map. 

A left here. A right there. Go straight for three blocks. Turn left again. The more I drove the more I recognized. I have definitely been to this part of London before. I keep driving until I reach a very very VERY familiar destination.

The house of One Direction.

He gave me a map to his house? I turn it over for more information and find a note written in Niall's handwriting. 

'Go to the trampoline ;)' 

I stared at it for a moment, then looked up at the huge mansion I briefly lived in. I sigh and walk around back through the snow to where the trampoline sat. I saw a note sitting in the middle so I climbed up and reached for it. Attached was a pack of Sour Patch Kids, my favorite candy. I smiled and put the candy in my purse as I read the note. 

'The garden.'

I quickly walked to the garden only to find another note taped to the stem of a snow covered rose. I smiled and picked it up. 

'Tennis court'

I walk over to the tennis courts and see a white square attached to the net. I rush over and untape the note. There was a poorly drawn sea turtle next to the message on the paper. It made me smile, knowing that it was most likely Niall's artwork. 

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