10: Taste Of The Spotlight

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Stars can't shine without darkness.

"Are you almost ready?" Niall calls to me from outside of the bathroom. 

"Almost! Be out in about...five minutes?" I hear him sigh from the other side of the door. 


I quickly add a touch of clear lip gloss and my necklace before walking out and smiling at an impatient looking Niall. 

"Ready," I announce. 

"Good. Everyone is already downstairs waiting for us." We walk to the elevator. 

"Sorry, I take a while to get ready."

"It's just an interview," he points out.

"I know, but I like to look nice. Besides, why are Claire and I coming with you guys? There's no need for us to be there."

"Claire wanted to go. Besides, don't you wanna be there for moral support? To cheer on your best friend?" he jokes. I playfully roll my eyes. 

"And who says you're my best friend?" He covers his hand to his heart in an expression of mock hurt. I giggle and give him a hug. "Just kidding. You can be my best friend if you really want to."

He smirks at me.

The elevator opens and we walk out. The boys are all in the lobby talking to the millions of fans that have gathered. Liam stands back with Claire, making sure not to lose her in the crowd. The fans all squealed as Niall came into their view. He smiled and waved to them but didn't really have time to stop for pictures and autographs because we were almost late for the interview. 

"You lads ready? We have to be there in twenty minutes. The bus is waiting outside." The boys all say goodbye to the fans and walk outside. During the ride to the television studio where the interview would be taking place I sat next to Niall and Harry with Claire sitting in my lap. I felt like I haven't had as much time with my sister as I used to. Now she's always playing with Harry or Louis or one of the other guys and I'm always either working or trying to get a little bit of time to relax.

I spend a lot of time now a days with music. Either listening to it or making it, I'm somehow involved. I love to play guitar and sing a hell of a lot more than I like to take pictures. I just wish the music industry was easier to get into. It would definitely make me and my siblings lives a lot easier financially. 

"What's it like at an interview?" she asks curiously, scrunching up her eyebrows in confusion. 

"You sit down and a person asks you a bunch of questions about yourself and then they film it and put it on TV for a lot of people to see," Liam explains, smiling. She thinks about this as we drive. When we get there the boys are all taken away to prepare for the show and Claire and I are shown to our seats backstage where we could see the interview. 

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